Chapter 7: Rekindling Dreams

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Sunghoon's return brought a new wave of energy and hope into Wonyoung's life. With the ordeal of his deployment behind them, they both felt a renewed sense of purpose and commitment. They were determined to build a future together that was filled with happiness and fulfillment.

One Saturday morning, as they were enjoying breakfast on their balcony, Sunghoon noticed a sketchbook lying on the table. He picked it up and flipped through the pages, admiring Wonyoung’s detailed drawings of plants and flowers.

"These are amazing, Baby. You have such a talent," he said, his eyes filled with admiration.

Wonyoung blushed, a little embarrassed. "Thanks, Honey. It’s just a hobby."

He looked at her seriously. "Have you ever thought about doing something more with it? Like taking a course or maybe even starting a small business?"

The idea caught Wonyoung by surprise. She had always loved drawing and had even considered studying art in college, but life had taken a different path. She had put her dreams on hold, focusing on supporting Sunghoon and managing their home.

"I don't know, Sunghoon. It’s been so long since I thought about it seriously," she admitted, her voice hesitant.

Sunghoon reached across the table and took her hand. "I think you should go for it. You have a real gift, and it would be amazing to see you pursue something you’re passionate about."

Wonyoung felt a spark of excitement at his words. "Do you really think I could?"

"I know you can," he said with a confident smile.

Encouraged by Sunghoon’s support, Wonyoung decided to look into art classes. She found a local community center that offered a variety of courses and signed up for a drawing class that started the following week.

The first day of class, Wonyoung felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She hadn’t taken a formal class in years, and the thought of being surrounded by other artists was both thrilling and intimidating. But as she walked into the bright, airy studio and saw the welcoming smiles of her classmates, her fears began to melt away.

The instructor, a friendly woman named Mrs. Kim, welcomed everyone and introduced them to the course. They started with basic techniques, focusing on line work and shading. Wonyoung found herself lost in the process, her hand moving confidently across the paper as she sketched the still life arrangement in front of her.

As the weeks went by, Wonyoung’s confidence grew. She made new friends in the class, and they often stayed late, discussing their work and sharing tips. Sunghoon was her biggest cheerleader, always eager to see her latest drawings and offer encouragement.

One evening, after a particularly inspiring class, Wonyoung came home with a new idea. "Sunghoon, I’ve been thinking. What if I started an online shop to sell my drawings and prints? It could be a way to share my work with more people."

Sunghoon’s eyes lit up with excitement. "That’s a fantastic idea, Wonyoung! I’ll help you set it up."

They spent the next few weeks working on the website together. Sunghoon handled the technical aspects, setting up the online store and payment system, while Wonyoung focused on creating new pieces and photographing her work. They brainstormed ideas for marketing, reaching out to friends and using social media to spread the word.

The day the shop went live, Wonyoung felt a mix of nerves and excitement. She watched anxiously as the first orders started to come in, each one filling her with a sense of accomplishment. Her art was resonating with people, and she was thrilled to be able to share her passion with a wider audience.

One evening, as they sat on the balcony, enjoying the success of the shop’s launch, Sunghoon turned to Wonyoung with a thoughtful expression. "I’m so proud of you, Wonyoung. Seeing you so happy and fulfilled makes me realize how important it is for both of us to pursue our dreams."

Wonyoung smiled, her heart swelling with love for him. "Thank you, Sunghoon. I couldn’t have done it without your support."

He took her hand, his eyes filled with warmth. "We’re a team, Wonyoung. And I want to make sure we both have the chance to follow our passions."

As they looked out at the city, their balcony garden thriving in the evening light, Wonyoung felt a deep sense of contentment. They had come so far, and she knew that together, they could achieve anything.

The rekindling of her artistic dreams had brought a new dimension to their relationship, enriching their lives and bringing them closer. Wonyoung was excited for the future, confident that with Sunghoon by her side, they could navigate whatever challenges and opportunities lay ahead.

And as the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Wonyoung and Sunghoon sat together, dreaming of all the possibilities the future held, their hearts full of love and hope.

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