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its been a long time i didnt update . sorry xD because i didnt open my account even during holiday . i enjoyed reading others fanfic . so , hope you like it !


" hey , you know what ? " Jungkook asked me
" what is it ? "

He stared outside the window . Looking peacefully into the night sky that full with stars .

" (y/n) You're the stars for me . Eventhough sometimes you will disappear but then you will appear again . I know you will never leave me . Your mom might said that she gonna dump me but then , I know she will not do it because she will do anything for her only one daughter . Same as me . You're the only one person in my heart . You have all my heart and my soul . I will do anything for you even I need to die if its gonna make you happy . " he fake smile .

Only God knows what I feel that time . I touch his cheek and make him to see me .

" Why you become so cheesy ? I didnt know that you have those cheesy cheese talent " I chuckled .
" You never know . Well , this is golden maknae . I can make million girls in this world scream my name but only (y/n) own me " he wink .

I wish I could stop the time so I can spend my whole life with him .


We arrive at our appartment and there's only one bedroom . I look at him while he is smirking . Oh goshhh . Does he think something dirty right now ? God save me please .

I change my clothes and didnt realised that I forget to close the door . I heard someone 'wow'-ing from behind . I quickly put on my loose hoodie and shorts . I bring the wrong short . The short was super duper short . I can say that it can show my ass . urgh .

Jungkook look at me from head to toe . I feel embrassed and walk to the kitchen . I was plan to cook ramen first because we havent buy any ingredients , food and so on . While I'm cooking ramen , i felt that a pair of hands hug my waist .

yaaa . its Jungkook . I felt something poked my butt and I was like ' GOD . PLEASE HELP ME . I DONT WANT TO BE TORTURE TONIGHT '

" yahh Kookie , arent you supposed to get bath right now ? Youre smell like a dead animals you know . " I said without looking at him .

" how dare you said that I smell horrible " he whisper seductively .

I remain quiet and .... God really want to test me . The spoon are fall down and I need to bent so I can take it . I bent down and ....

" I really love your body (y/n) " he said again .
" you should take bath right now you honey bunch . or else i will kill you . " I push him and he walk away .
fuhhhh . at last .. I'm done with ramen and trying to make some apple juice ! Jungkook gonna love it !!❤

" jagiii !! where is my shampoo ??? " he shout from the bathroom .
" wait a minute ! " i shout back .

I go to our room and take his shampoo . I knock the door and he opened it . Guess what ? HE JUST TAKING THE SHAMPOO FROM ME WITHOUT WRAPPED HIMSELF IN TOWEL .

My jaws dropped and he close the door . How dare he do it to me . oh my innocent eyes . but his freakin hot . //shook head// urgh . (y/n) , never be a perverted !!

" Kookie-yaa , the food is ready ! " I said .

I can hear his footsteps . and he only wear ... BOXER . yaaa why are you being like thisssssss !!!

" t-this your drink " i shuttered while handing him an apple juice .
" thanks jagi " he act like usual .

oh my god . stop it . i keep on blushing . why ..... does he plan to have another child ? but both of us not yet married !!

He finish eating and drink his apple juice . He stare me as I clean the table . When I reach his sit place , he hug my waist .

" Can we have fun today ? " he asked and his eyes are full with lust .

I stared and him blankly and ....



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