15. New Routine

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"Old ways won't open new doors."


After a few days our old routine gradually changed to a whole new one. I still wake up at four in the morning so I could happily make Vincent his protein shake, after that I go into Zander's room and snuggle with him until seven.

I cook us breakfast at eight, then Vincent and Salvador meet me in the kitchen to hang out while I cook.

Sometimes I'll already be in the kitchen when they walk in, I hand Salvador his smoothie and he'll kiss me and leave a little ass tap,

An action I grow red about every single time, Dean and Zander would come down for breakfast, we'll laugh and talk for an hour and then they will all disperse.

Zander would meet me outside around noon to help with the garden; and by help I mean sit around and try to make out with me.

It's a new routine I look forward to everyday, sometimes I'll nap in Zander's room and sometimes I'll go to Dean, Salvador proved I shouldn't be alone with him...

All he did was make out with me and bring me to the brink of embarrassment, his naughty words and tongue were making me all kinds of fuzzy so I've sworn off sleeping with Salvador until I could understand these feelings.

It was one of those days where I was alone for a few hours, the guys all had work that needed to be done and I vaguely remember Zander telling me to keep an eye out for more scratches coming my way.

He had my attention I wasn't too sure why he still needed to get himself hurt.

I was brought out of my clean funk when our doorbell rang; I didn't know we had a doorbell, everyone sorta came in on their own.

I took my cleaning gloves off and walked towards the door, I opened it and saw a man. He was a little darker and was wearing blue suit with a white button up.

His black buzz cut hair and piercing brown eyes glared at me. "Who are you?" He grimaced,

"I think the better question is who are you?" I sassy back, I surprised myself when I spoke, I wasn't the one to talk back but his rude tone and asshole persona brought it out of me.

"Oh I get it, your another one of their conquests," he looked me up and down, "cute" he smirked,

I crossed my arms over my chest, I was wearing Vincent's baggy t-shirt with some gym shorts and I had my hair tied back in a bandanna. I didn't look appealing I looked like I was in the middle of something; like cleaning.

"Excuse me?" I touched the door ready to slam it in his face, but before I could he stepped around me, walking in like he owned the place.

"Sir!" I followed him, "I don't know who you are, so I'd appreciate it if you'd left." I stood in his way.

"Look honey, I don't have time to entertain you, I need to see them," he put his hands in his pockets,

"What?" I asked, I was getting confused, did he know who lived here? Was he some sort of spy or something?

"I need to see them," he repeated, I looked at him confused, he couldn't be talking about my guys.

"Jesus I thought they'd upgraded from stupid," he grumbled, I was shocked who the hell does he think he is? He crouched putting his hands on his knees and his face leveled with mine,

"I. Need. To. See. Them." He spoke slowly, "do you understand bunny?" He smirked,

"I'm not an idiot!" I snapped, "you're a jerk you know that! Get them yourself!" I stormed off but he was hot on my tail.

"Aw did I hurt your feelings little bunny?" He laughed,

"Stop following me! And stop calling me bunny!" I shouted, I went back to the kitchen, I put the cleaning supplies away.

"Oh so you're desperate huh?" He leaned against the counter, "so you left them fuck you and then you cook and clean hoping you'd stay?" He stupid smirk was starting to piss me off.

"I live here too!" I shoved a finger at him, my face burning by his vulgar words, I couldn't help the image of me and my guys.....doing the deed...

"Please they'll kick you out when they see fit," he rolled his eyes, suddenly my fire was dying.

I knew he was lying because I know they care for me, but hearing from someone who seems to know them started to make me feel like shit.

I felt the tears starting welling up, but I wouldn't give this asshole the satisfaction, "they're in their offices, find them yourself," I turned and left the kitchen.

I went to the back room to where the garden was, I slipped on my garden boots, I couldn't see straight with how blurry my eyes were getting.

"Hey princess, ready to fix the garden? I bought some seeds I thought you'd like," Zander's lifting voice made me stop, I took a deep breath wiped my eyes.

I took another breath and tied my shoes, "hey," Zander stepped in front of me, "Lillian?" He touched me arm and I shrugged it off. "Princess what happened are you okay?" I stood straight,

"Baby talk to me," Zander cupped my cheeks and wiped the remaining of my tears with the pad of this thumbs.

"You guys have a visitor," I pushed him off and left to the garden, I just want to clear my head and get rid of these nasty thoughts. They wouldn't leave me, I'm not replaceable...

At least I hope I wasn't....

A/N sorry for the short chapter, it was more of a little filler and to meet a new character! Sorry for taking forever to post I've just been super busy but you guys deserve a few more chapters!

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