Brother and Sister

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The drive from the Horrigan estate was quiet, Hati clearly had never been on a motorcycle so she held onto Skoll as tight as she could. It took a few hours and midnight had passed, but the siblings made it back to Skoll's apartment safely. Hati was still in shock of everything, her brother who she thought was dead randomly showed up, killed her abusers and freed her in a span of twenty-four hours. A part of her thought it was all a dream, an image of hope cast into her mind, and she also hoped that part of her was wrong and all this was real.

"Ok, we're here," Skoll said softly.

He led his sister up to his apartment and opened the door for her. Skoll was never a tidy person but he made sure to clean every inch of his apartment in anticipation for this moment. The last thing he wanted was to welcome Hati into a dump.

"It's nice." the girl replied in a quiet voice.

"Thanks... are you hungry? I can probably throw together something. Or–Or maybe you want a shower or something?"

"I'm ok, Skoll.." she assured him. "Just feeling a little tired."

"Oh! Of course. I prepared a room for you."

"I get a room?" she asked, with some surprise in her voice.

"Of course. You'll need your own space here." Skoll opened the door and walked in, but Hati was frozen in fear by the entrance. "Hey, is everything ok?" he asked as moved to comfort her.

"I–I–It's nothing. I'll be f–f–fine."

"Hey, come on, is there something wrong?"

Hati shivered and Skoll put his arm around her to calm her down. "I d–don't like the dark."

"Oh, ok... wait here." Skoll took off his pendant and left it by the nightstand, once he was far enough, the red gem began to glow bright enough to illuminate the corner of the room. "It glows when it's separated from me. I'll buy you a nightlight or something tomorrow."

Hati smiled and slowly entered the room with Skoll behind her. It was basic with little decoration but the bed was nice, the desk was freshly built and the sheets were new. Her brother wrapped an arm around her but accidentally brushed against a wound, causing Hati to whimper in pain.

"Shit! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." the white and red Hellhound instantly apologized, thinking he was being too forward.

"N–No. It's just a bruise. You didn't d–do any–anything bad."

The older brother moved forward and sat Hati by the bed. "Are you hurt?"

"I–It's no–nothing."

"Maybe, but let me help." Skoll grabbed the pendant and held Hati's hands.

A red energy enveloped the two and Hati felt a warmth pass through her body, all her wounds began to heal instantly and she even began to feel more calm and relaxed. Skoll let go of his sister and set the pendant back so his sister could have some light for the night.

"Feel better?"

"I–I do. I–I feel... I don't know how to say it. W–Where did y–you learn this, big b–brother?" the word brother felt unusual to her, she was certain she'd never call anyone that again.

"That's for tomorrow. Get some sleep."

Before Skoll could get up, Hati hugged him again. "Thank you, Skoll." she sobbed.

Skoll just smiled and hugged back. He gently patted her back to let her know everything was ok and then left the room so his sister could sleep. It had been a long day and the Hellhound was tired, so he didn't even bother changing and just fell onto his bed.

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