Friends, lovers, and the New Guy

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Four days had passed since Hati and Skoll moved into the hotel, today her friends were coming over to study for a bit then hang out at the girl's new place. It was early in the morning and the Hellhound had just finished getting ready for her day. She was still in her pink pajamas as she got a call from Verosika.

"H–Hello... Verosika."

"Hey Hati! Congratulations! Vector reached out to me, he liked the video and wants to arrange a meeting with you!"

"Really!? W–When!?"

"That's the thing... he wants to meet today around ten." she replied, sighing as she knew how sudden this was.

"Today!?" Hati shouted. "I–I haven't even p–prepared! W–What is he like!? Is he s–scary like the R–Radio Demon?"

"Oh no, Vector's... actually a decent guy. He treats his employees and partners fairly if they do their shit on time. Besides, I'll be there. My plan was to negotiate a deal where you can work directly with me for a while. We'll still be able to make our own solo music but I think working with me for a few more years can help you get adjusted to the music industry. But... if you want to go your own way–"

"No no no! I–I am n–not ready for t–t–that. I l–love wor–working with you an–and I w–wanna s–stay b–by your s–side, if y–you want me to."

Verosika let out a sigh of relief, she wanted to protect her student from the darker parts of the music industry and prevent her from getting caught up in the problems she used to. The succubus was only a year older than Skoll and she got into music around Hati's age. Without anyone to help her, Verosika was completely unprepared for the industry and suffered because of it until she turned eighteen and got a deal with Vector. The succubus wanted to keep the Hellhound safe for as long as she could, to keep her from making the same mistakes. Like dating the wrong guy and falling into alcoholism, then going through a year of rehabilitation. She was lucky Vector was impressed by her work or when she got out two years ago she might've been stuck. But none of that mattered anymore, it was in the past and Verosika was fine now; she just had to make sure the girl she considered a sister was going to be fine as well.

"My studio will always be open to you. Should I book the meeting?"


"Great, also... check your Helltube channel. I'll see you soon."


Hati remembered that she had forgotten to check her Helltube channel since uploading her performance at Ozzie's. Opening up the laptop she was gifted by her new royal caretakes, she logged in and almost choked on air as she looked at the screen. With the move and settling in, she had completely forgotten to check her channel so what she saw was a huge shock. Still in her pink pajamas, she rushed to the lobby where she found Ramiel, Charlie, and some of the hotel patrons there.

"E–Everyone!" she shouted, mostly to the couple and Skoll.

"What is it?" Ramiel asked with a worried look.

Charlie rushed forward and looked at the screen, her eyes widened and she hugged the girl tightly.

"Congratulations!" she cheered. "This is so amazing! I knew your song would blow up!

"What happened?" Vaggie asked, walking from the kitchen with Skoll while they held coffee cups in their hands.

"M–My Helltube ch–channel, i–it w–went from one h–hundred t–thousand su–subscribers to fo–four million and cl–climbing. M–My vi–video had over one hu–hundred million v–views."

"That's wonderful!" the Fallen Angel shouted.

"Holy shit, nice work sis!" Skoll laughed.

They joined the hug with Charlie and everyone offered their congratulations to the young girl. While she was in the lobby, she opened her email and found a confirmation letter from Verosika, stating that they had a meeting with Vector at ten in the morning. The Hellhound told her guardians about the meeting.

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