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Okay guys, THIS STORY IS COMPLETED. I'm pretty sure you all noticed . . . and oh my goodness, this is such a sad moment. I never actually thought I would complete it. After like ten chapters, I decided to put an end to this book, but then a couple of people commented how good it was, thus causing me to continue. Icetail's Enemy was never popular up until Part Two came out as well, believe it or not. The amount of readers I have definitely grew a lot over the past two years I've been writing this.

To thank you all, I decided to write a list. This list will be about facts of my book, because there are so many things I changed throughout the book. If you just want to skip the list and get straight on to the announcements, just scroll down.


-Icetail's name was originally going to be Icefur, but that sounded too girly, causing me to change it.

-I never intended to make Dewfang the enemy, but to make the book more interesting, I did.

-I actually removed the carrot thing.

-I never planned a huge backstory about DarkClan in the first place. I just suddenly got the idea throughout writing the book, because I didn't want to make it seem that MoonClan and DarkClan fought often for no reason.

-I was originally going to make Sharpfang Icestar's first deputy, and have him die instead of Ashtail, but I decided against it.

-I was originally going to make Dawnstripe and Icetail become mates, but then I reasoned with myself that Dewfang was the more popular one anyways so it's more reasonable to have her fall in love with him instead.

-I was also going to have Dawnstripe join Dewfang because she loves him, but I decided against it.

-I was going to have Silverleaf die in the battle, but then I reasoned with myself that Icestar deserves some happiness.

-I also wanted to make Silverleaf die during kitting but then I also reasoned with myself how sad it would be.

-I never intended on making Silverleaf and Icestar have kits in the first place. I was going to make them have kits in the epilogue, but then I wanted more drama . . . so then I ended up changing that.

-Brightstar was supposed to die during the war in the very last chapter, but then I wanted Icetail to have a nine lives ceremony, and to be the same rank as Dewstar.

-Lilyclaw was never intended to be made. I just decided, "Eh, why not."

-I was going to make Dewstar have kits but then another idea came into mind, which I will not share with you because it has to do with the upcoming sequel.

-Speaking of the sequel, I never intended to make one. But I just enjoyed writing this book so much that I decided that I should.

-Dropeyes' name was changed from Dropeyes to Shiningmoon. Nobody liked "Dropeyes" so it's now "Shiningmoon." I wanted to add "moon" to the prefix of her name because her name before joining the Clan was originally "Moon," but had been changed by Brightstar to something entirely different in respect to the name of MoonClan.

-Shiningmoon and Silverleaf were going to be enemies, but instead I made them into best friends.

-I was only going to make Icestar have one kit.

-Then, I was going to make him have three kits. Somehow, I stuck with two.

-I planned to make this book like 25-30 chapters, but I accidentally made 60.

-As I got into Part Three of this book, I decided that each part will be a different book. For example, Part One is Book One, Part Two is Book Two, and Part Three is Book Three.

-I was going to have some history of how MoonClan, CloudClan, MarshClan and StreamClan came to be, involving the original Clans, but then I decided it was too much work xD

-I actually got inspired of this book from a role-play. The role-play had NOTHING to do with the events of this book, so I don't know how my other ideas blossomed. The only thing inspired from the role-play were the characters. There had indeed been cats named Brightstar, Silverkit (she only made it to apprentice before I stopped that role-play), Dawnpaw, and my brother Dewpaw. My character was Icepaw(fur, star).

-Icestar was supposed to have blue eyes but then I got annoyed that most warriors fan fictions have a blue-eyed protagonist, so I made his eyes amber.

* * *


I'll try to have the sequel up in December or January. I can't give a specific date yet, so stay tuned until it's out! It will be called Warrior Cats: The New Course (Icetail's Enemy Sequel). The book will be in the point of view of Icestar, Dewkit and Ravenkit, because I want the book to be refreshed from having Icestar's point of view for so long. This book will of course be located on my profile, under works.

**The expecting date for Warrior Cats: The New Course to be published is January 1, 2016.**

**Icetail's Enemy is almost complete with its editing as well!**

Concluding this part, Warriors: Icetail's Enemy is COMPLETE!

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