Chapter Thirty Seven

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Edited ✔️

This chapter is the moment everyone has been waiting for. Contains a little bit of loooove~
-_^ enjoy

Icetail padded beside Silverleaf as Amberpaw lead the way back to camp. They finished exploring two more places; near MarshClan's borders and near CloudClan's moors. Icetail knew that he'd have to show her near the borders of DarkClan too, but he decided he'd give it another quarter-moon so he'd know that Amberpaw would at least be able to defend herself if Dewstar's warriors tried anything bad. This made him think of when he was an apprentice. There used to be a lot of battles back then, but the numbers were ever increasing.

Icetail thought for a moment, before telling Amberpaw: "You can go ahead to camp if you want," he offered. "I'd like to see if you know the way back."

"Of course I know the way back!" said Amberpaw. "Why do you want to send me back to camp before you anyway?" She was dumbstruck for a moment before looking back and forth between Silverleaf and Icetail. "Oh. Alright, I'll go back."

She began to run in the right direction, her tail flicking with delight. Icetail just sighed, a bit embarrassed. She figures everything out, he thought. He turned to Silverleaf, but she was as clueless as a kit.

"Why'd you send her back?" laughed the silver she-cat. "Amberpaw could be mauled by a fox for all I know."

Icetail shook his head. "We're not that far from camp," he pointed out. "Besides, Amberpaw, I know you're hiding in the bushes." He flicked his ear towards patches of dying holly. Amberpaw's head poked out from her hiding spot, and she looked frustrated. "Go back to camp, Amberpaw."

"Come on," she whined. "I didn't think you'd scent me that fast."

"I bet he didn't scent you. He probably heard you step on a leaf or something," Silverleaf pointed out, remembering that he had better hearing than he did scent. "Anyways, you should get back. We'll catch up to you in a few moments."

"Fine," Amberpaw groaned. The ginger apprentice began to leave, padding through the undergrowth. Icetail listened until she was finally gone, feeling relief when they were finally alone.

"Okay, continuing," Silverleaf meowed, glancing at Icetail. "There must of been a reason other than to test her."

"There is," said Icetail, the tip of his ears becoming hot. "I just didn't want any kits lurking around or anything. That'd be rather uncomfortable."

"She's an apprentice," Silverleaf pointed out. "Not a kit. I bet she'd get mad if she found out that you called her that." Icetail nodded with agreement. A leaf drifted onto Silverleaf's head, crackling into a bunch of tiny pieces over her fur. "What was that?" she asked, ears twitching with alarm.

"You're covered in leaves!" he explained, letting out a small mrrow of laughter. "Here, let me help you get it off." He stepped forward and groomed her soft fur clean, smoothening it out before observing her. "It really looks like there are stars in your fur . . ." he purred.

"Or maybe you're slowly going to StarClan," Silverleaf joked.

"I'll take you with me," Icetail said before continuing to clean the leaves off of her fur.

Silverleaf shoved him onto the forest ground and pinned him down. "You won't take me to StarClan—not as long as I can help it!" She kept him pinned, and Icetail couldn't help but but to let out another mrrow of laugher. "What? What's so funny!"

"I can easily knock you off your paws," he meowed.

"No you can't."

"Of course I can," he said. "I've been in far more battles than you have." He kicked her over, and then pinned her down before she could even struggle. "See?" Silverleaf tried to kick him off with her back paws, but it was no use. She wouldn't dare unsheathe her claws, so she couldn't even land a scratch to free herself. Icetail smirked playfully.

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