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20th chapterrr!!! Sorry for the late update!! I was very busy with my final exams.


Next morning


"Hi baby! Wanna go to the mall today? I need to get some new clothes." Y/N asks over the phone. "Yeah, sure. I'll be at yours in about 45 minutes." I answer.

"Baby, take your time, we have all the time in the world." She chuckles, making me blush. "Okay, I love you. See you later."

"I love you too, drive safe." Is the last thing she says before hanging up.

I hop out of bed and jump in the shower. I sigh as the hot water hit my body. After six minutes of standing there, I wash up and get out.

I dress myself with a graphic tee and some low waisted pants. I do a little bit of makeup, style my hair quickly and put on jewelry.

At this point, 30 minutes passed. I quickly put on my shoes and hop in my car.

10 minutes later, I arrive at my girlfriend's apartment. I knock on the door and not even a second later, the door bursts open.

"Hi, baby, I missed you!" Y/N hugs me tightly. "I missed you too. We saw each other yesterday", I giggle, kissing her cheek.

"Still. You're ready?" She asks, pulling some hair behind my ear. "Yeah, come on", I peck her lips and take her hand in mine.

"Is Billie and Quen coming with us?" I ask, getting in the car. "No, I wanted to spend time with only you", she answer, smiling cheekily.

"Aww, you're cute." "You're cute." She shots back, blushing a little bit. "What will you get?" She asks.
"I don't know, I don't need anything...for now." I chuckle.

"I'll probably get a few shirts and pants." "You know that I'll pay right?" I smirk, putting my hand on her thigh. "No, you will not. Stop spending your money on me." She rolls her eyes.

"But I like spoiling you", I say in a sing-song voice. "But I don't like it", she says back in the same tone. "I don't care, I will spend my money on you. Whether you like it or not."

"No." She protests.






"Yes- what, no!" She laughs at my attempt to make her change her mind. We continue our bickering as I park the car in a good spot.

I get up, take her hand in mine and we make our way to the mall. "So, where do you want to got first?" "Just, follow me." She shushes me and drags me into a random store.

"What do you think?" She asks, showing me a white tank top. "I like it", I answer and she nods and tosses it in the cart.

We continue like this until the cart is full with clothes and we finally arrive to the fitting rooms. "Wait in there while I change." She pushes me out of the cabin.

"Why?" I whine, pushing the door back. "Because we're in a store." She answers obviously. "I promise I'll not do anything, I just want to see you", I plead with my hands.

She sighs and opens the door a little bit, just enough to let me pass. "No funny business", she warns, looking at me sternly. "Thank you! Look I'll seat right there. J-just don't acknowledge me." I say, sitting down.

She tries on the first shirt and looks at herself in the mirror. "You look cute", I compliment. "I know." She replies, doing a little spin for me.

Five shirt and three pants later, she finally tries on the dress. "Babe, can you help me zip my dress?" She asks, biting her lips. She knows what she's doing.

I nod frantically and get up. I start to zip up the dress and I glance at the mirror. Our eyes cross and Y/N looks at me seductively, still biting her lips.

She knows she's pretty. She knows that she's affecting me.

"Do I look good?" She ask, turning around and wrapping her arms around my neck. "Yeah." I mutter, placing my lips on hers.

She deepens the kiss, pulling me closer by the neck. I kiss back and she plonges her tongue, making me let out a moan.

When air becomes a problem, we pull away, panting. "No funny business", I mock her words of earlier. "Shut up and kiss me." She whines, pushing her lips against mine.

We continue to make for many minutes, groans and moans slipping out of our mouth each second. Y/N makes her way to my neck, trailing hot kisses. As she is about to suck on the skin, someone knocks on the door.

"Hey! What are you guys doing in there?! There's people waiting?" The probably employee asks, still knocking repeatedly.

"H-hum yeah, we're almost finished, only a couple of minutes!" I yell, trying not to groan at the feeling of Y/N's lips against my neck.   

She pulls back with a pop sound, smirking to herself, proud of the mess she made of me. She changes into her original outfit, leaving me flustered against the wall.

"You ready?" She asks, as if she didn't just fuck me here. "Y-yeah." I stutter, still blushing and hot from our make out session.

"Wait, you got something here." She takes her thumb and wipes off the smudgy lipstick from around my lips.

"T-thank you." I blush even harder. She grabs my hand and we come out of the cabin, just to be met by furious people and a mad employee.

"Look, we had a lot of item!" Y/N exclaims, showing her arms full of clothes. The employee just shakes her head and points towards to the checkouts.

I chuckle nervously and drag my girlfriend all the way to them. "What's your problem?" I slap her biceps playfully.

"What? I didn't even do anything." She acts clueless, looking at me. "Yes you did, you literally almost fucked me in the cabin-"

"Y/N?" A voice interrupts me. We turn our head and Y/N's eyes widen at the girl.

It is Madison Beer.


Sorry if it's not good, there's more chapters coming very soon!!

Mwah 💋

ShittyAssStories 💌

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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