my heart won't stop anymore

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Y/N sat in the dimly lit living room, the shadows from the streetlights outside casting an eerie glow on the walls. The room, once filled with warmth and love, now felt cold and distant. Photos of happier times decorated the shelves – memories of vacations, holidays, and spontaneous adventures. He stared at a particular picture, one where Jenna was laughing, her eyes sparkling with joy as Y/N held her close.

The door clicked open, and Jenna walked in, her heels echoing in the silence. She barely glanced at Y/N, her attention immediately focused on her phone. She tossed her bag onto the chair and headed straight for the kitchen.

"Jenna, we need to talk," Y/N said, his voice heavy with the weight of unspoken emotions.

Jenna sighed, her eyes never leaving her phone. "Can it wait? I'm exhausted and I have an early call time tomorrow."

Y/N stood up, his frustration boiling over. "No, it can't wait. We've been putting this off for too long."

She finally looked up, her expression one of annoyance rather than concern. "Fine. What is it?"

Y/N took a deep breath, trying to steady his trembling hands. "Do you even care about us anymore? About what we have?"

Jenna rolled her eyes, crossing her arms defensively. "Of course I do, Y/N. But I'm in the middle of a huge project. This is my career we're talking about."

"And what about our relationship? Does that mean nothing to you?" His voice cracked, betraying the depth of his pain.

She shrugged, her indifference cutting deeper than any harsh words. "I told you from the beginning that my career comes first. You knew what you were signing up for."

Y/N felt a lump form in his throat, his vision blurring with unshed tears. "I didn't sign up to be an afterthought, Jenna. I feel like I'm losing you, and you don't even care."

Jenna's eyes softened for a brief moment, but it was quickly replaced by her usual stoic expression. "I'm sorry you feel that way, but I can't slow down now. This is my dream, Y/N. Can't you understand that?"

He looked at her, searching for any sign of the woman he had fallen in love with. But all he saw was someone who had become a stranger, consumed by ambition. "Maybe we need to take a break," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jenna's reaction was almost mechanical. "If that's what you want, then maybe it's for the best."

The finality of her words was like a dagger to his heart. Y/N turned away, unable to bear the sight of her cold, detached demeanor. "I guess this is it then," he said, his voice breaking.

"Goodbye, Y/N," she replied, her tone flat and unfeeling.

With a heavy heart, Y/N walked out of the apartment, the sound of the door closing behind him echoing in the silence. He stumbled down the stairs, his vision blurred by tears. As he stepped into the cool night air, he felt a crushing weight settle over him. The woman he loved was gone, replaced by someone who barely acknowledged his existence.

Hours later, Y/N found himself wandering the empty streets, the city lights casting long shadows that mirrored the emptiness he felt inside. He tried to recall the moments that had led them here, to this breaking point. The late-night phone calls that went unanswered, the dates that were postponed or canceled, the laughter that had gradually faded into silence.

Their love had once been a burning flame, bright and all-consuming. But now, it felt like the last embers were flickering out, smothered by the relentless pursuit of ambition. Jenna had always been passionate about her career, and Y/N had admired that about her. But somewhere along the way, he had become an afterthought, a footnote in the story of her success.

MON CHERI | 𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐀 𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐆𝐀 𝐎𝐍𝐄-𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒Where stories live. Discover now