Back to the Time of Love 2

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To the sacred beauty of love...

To the sacred beauty of love

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Drop Spoiler #1

Prince V's POV

I never knew, the meaning of Love. That term didn't even exist. My ultimate life goal was to become the best king of all.

But now my ultimate goal is to feel this complex thing, to feel your name... I want to feel Love... with you.

I never met anyone who treated me like a friend and not the king... Until I found you. And now when I have you... I'm not letting you go.

Sarah's POV

I came here to fulfill my one desire. To meet my favourite heroine of the history.

I was never intended to fall in love with a guy, I wasn't supposed to. He and I can never be together. And no matter how much I push my feelings away. I couldn't.

I made a mistake, a beautiful mistake. And I didn't realise the mistake until I knew that I have to leave him.

Queen of elements...
Queen of Fire, Air, Water, Land and Sky...

What is the queen of elements?

Drop Spoiler #2

"Love... Just tell me, that you're not from Mins... And I promise I'll go against my whole kingdom for you. I'll leave the throne for you."

"V-... What if I am?"

"You're no-"

"I am the royal blood of Mins..."

Two witches, Zara and Zena...

Zara, witch of Kim Royals.

Cursed the earth that earth would shatter and collapse, when the war will take place and angers the elements.

5 elements, Fire, Air, Water, Land and Sky would show their anger, and nature will be scattered.

And no one would be left alive.

Zena, witch of Min Royals...

Blessed the earth, correcting the mistakes Zara did.

She created a key to the locked element... An element unknown to her.

And that unknown element would break the curse.

A key to locked Element...
An Element that would break
The Curse...

Author's Note

Thank you to all my readers who read my story, voted for each part, appreciated my work, and much more.

I feel glad that I successfully wrote a fictional fantasy book. And everyone liked it. This book is the only book of mine which has received 0 hate comments or negative feedback and it's a big achievement for me.

So the messages I wanted to convey through this book were many...

1. Hate brings up war, and it's so wrong to hate someone. Hate and Dislike holds two very different meanings. You can dislike someone, but don't hate...
Because it not only destroys nature, the bonds but also you yourself.

Here in this book I showed it by the self combustion of Sarah. She hates herself and she ends up harming herself. And that's how worse hate actually is.

This is the main motive of bringing, the war of Love and Hate.

And when you start loving someone, you become a healer.
Love wins over hate.

2. In today's time, people have made the words like, 'Sorry', 'Depression', 'Thank You', 'Urgent', lost it's meaning by using it very often.
And one of these words is Love. This 4 letter word is so powerful, it makes you weak and strong at the same time as I showed in my book. Sarah became weak because of love and strong also because of Love when needed.

The word 'Love' is used so often that people tend to think it's a lie. Love has become a lie in today's Kalyuga (Sanskrit Ved Term for today's world). The message I wanted to convey is to USE this word less and only where you really feel it.

Love is very pure and powerful creation of God. It's the only one that is binding everyone and forming a unity.

This will be more visible in Back to the Time of Love 2.

So, my request is please, do not hate anyone ever and make the effective use of Love where it is a truth and not lie.

That's all...
There might be more, if you learnt something, please let me know.

My daily schedule is back and to be honest I'm barely getting time to sleep and still not enough hours to study.

24 hours feel like 16, 6 spent in school, 4 in sleeping and 6 in studying. And I don't know the hell what I'm doing in rest hours.

I am sincerely sorry because for God knows how long this situation continues, I'll be updating in very long intervals.

And the release date of Back to The Time of Love 2 is not yet confirmed. Since it's my 12th board and I've to stay focused this year. Also my Business Proposal book is in the ongoing process. Until and unless that doesn't complete I can't start a new book.

With very high apologies, I'll be focusing on a single book until Dec. And probably after boards I'll be starting two books together...

Back to The Time of Love 2
Love Triangle 2

Many people are waiting for Love Triangle Part 2 as well.
So yeah...

Back to the Time of Love [KTH FF] ✅ ~payalgupta3012Where stories live. Discover now