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Dear Diary,

Met another kid today. I was downtown at the record shop -which is really filled with an assload of not only records but also various CDs- when we both reached for the last Nimrod album by Green Day since my own copy got broken in the move. Let's just say when I pulled out what used to be a perfectly good CD out of it's case, I nearly cried.

Anywhore, he told me that if I let him have this CD then he'd make me a "completely legal" copy of it and even buy me another CD. God knows why he wanted it so bad considering that it's not a new album or anything but I let him have it and turned down his offer to buy me something, using my own cash for a Smashing Pumpkins album I didn't yet own. Well, now I do.

We then began talking, mainly about music, and when he learned that I had just moved in not too long ago, he invited me to his house to hang out. Said that he wasn't an axe murderer and that there would be others at this get together, including his mother. Probably should've said no but I said yes.

If you don't hear from me again, that's what happened to me. It was Michael. Kid with crazy hair. Bury me with my Cobain post please.


Unloved ~ Lashton Hemwin - Book Two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now