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Luke Robert Hemmings was pronounced dead on October first at six-fifteen in the morning. Exactly three days after he was emitted to the hospital.

His brother, Ben, probably took it the hardest as they were quite close and he was the one to find Luke trying to off himself the first time and was there in the hospital waiting room when Luke finally succeeded in doing it again. He felt responsible for Luke as he was the eldest of the three brothers and always looked after the two when their parents were off on vacation or went to someone else's house to visit.

Ben knew that there was something off with Luke as he wasn't quite as smiley or happy as he used to be. He also knew that Luke loved Ashton and that his death took a hard toll on him, but Ben had been so caught up in his classes at college and his new girlfriend that he hadn't talked to his brother in a while. He blamed himself every night no matter how hard his mum or Jack would tell him otherwise.

Jack was a different story, however. He had never been super close to Luke and, sure, they had their differences and they fought a lot but they were still family and they loved each other. Jack hated himself for only visiting Luke in the hospital once, he thought that if he had just gone and spoke to him once more then maybe, just maybe, Luke wouldn't have done this.

The funeral was four days after his death and everyone showed up. His family and his friends, old and new.

Pete was the last to leave Luke's grave after it was all said and done. He had wished that he could've seen his best friend again. Pete knew that Luke was a broken person but he also thought that Luke had been getting better, and he had... But when he lost the love of his life, it all came crashing down and became too much from him. Pete didn't understand at first, for Ashton was just a boy, why couldn't Luke have gotten over it and moved on? But when he saw Mikey head his way and get down on his knees beside him, it clicked.

Pete couldn't imagine what it was like to lose the person he loved so deeply. So he turned to Mikey, a sad smile on his face as he took the younger boy's hand. "I love you, you know that, right?"

Mikey was confused. Where had that come from? But he nodded nonetheless, returning those three little words that meant more to Pete than anything else Mikey could ever say to him.

Pete wondered to himself if Luke would see Ashton again in heaven, if there even is such a thing but he reckoned he shouldn't linger too much on the matter for he believed that wherever they ended up; at least they would be together again.

Luke Hemmings was gone but never forgotten. Pete, Frank, Mikey, Gerard, Brendon, Michael, and Calum all spoke of the boy in the many years to come. Because though he was a sad boy with a broken heart, they all cared for him. They adored the blond haired, blue eyed dork he was. And no matter what dark thoughts were running through Luke's mind that day when he took his own life, Luke Hemmings certainly did not die Unloved.


So yes, the ending is vague and doesn't tell what happened to Luke and Ashton after they died, whether they ended up together in 'heaven' or whatever. I wanted it to just end and be open so that you guys could think what you wanted to with it. You decide.

Thinking about doing and alternate ending where Luke doesn't die but idk yet.
Anyway, thanks for reading and all the support I got for this I love you all! xx

PS. Please do that rad thing where you comment. xx

Unloved ~ Lashton Hemwin - Book Two ✔️Where stories live. Discover now