Chapter 4

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And you saw..."Grell" XD JK
Well sorry for being awesome!
JK well back to the story. Oh all of the things in these print is A/N ok!?back to let story!

Reader-chan's Pov.

I saw a pink haired male who was very Cute."Does someone how like my brother looks?" Zully whisped in my ear. I blushed even harder if possible.
"Oh shut up will you." I told her. "Hello I'm Natsu" said the same pinked hair male I blushed noticeing what he was wearing °OMG I thought that ZuZu¹ was jokeing about that° Zully must of notice that I was starring at him thank good she spoke up for me "This is (y/n)" then he said...


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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