Chapter 5 Crazy, Sexy Stalker - Interviews

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Pictured above, of course, is the amazing Master Matthias

Chapter 5  Crazy, Sexy Stalkers  -  One-on-One Interviews

"Where do you guys want to get lunch?" Payton asks curiously making Tommy hum in contemplation as Ashton shrugs.

"I don't mind where we eat as long as we go soon. I'm hungry," Ashton sighs making the two others roll their eyes already used to Ashton's hearty appetite.

"Look, there's Lane." Tommy's pointing across the quad making the other boys look over in that direction.

The older boy is walking towards them looking none too happy which makes the trio frown. After a brief catch up, Lane suggests a place for them that's only a ten minute walk from where they are. They all agree and start the short walk towards the diner that Lane claims has the best burgers around. Payton, Tommy and Ashton can tell something is bothering Lane because he isn't his usual joking and teasing self but it isn't until they're all seated with their food that Tommy brings up the question on everyone's mind.

"Hey Lane, are you okay?" The long haired boy asks worriedly as Lane aggressively chews the food in his mouth.

"I'm fine, why?" He asks after swallowing the large bite and before taking a sip of his soda.

"Well, you seem kind of annoyed," Payton says tentatively while unwrapping his burger that he'd yet to even start after looking off, deep in thought, seemingly distracted by something.

"Plus you look bothered." Ashton adds the obvious making the best friends nod.

"It's nothing, just some asshole that pissed me off the other day," he grumbles making the three others share a look.

"What asshole?" Tommy asks highly interested since Lane is usually the one leaving others flustered, not the other way around.

"Just some guy I bumped into a couple of times. He was such an asshole, calling me 'Sugar' and acting as if he could just say a few things and get me to drop my pants! The fucker. I mean, I know I'm a whore but at least I strike up a few minutes conversation with the people I want to fuck!" Lane grumbles angrily and Tommy beams as Payton and Ashton watch silently.

"Well, tell us what happened. Details Lane!" Tommy encourages and Lane frowns.

He's hesitant to talk about it because he himself isn't completely sure how he feels about this 'asshole' that just gets under his skin in ways nobody has before. Lane bites his bottom lip while lost in thought as Tommy stares at him excitedly. Ashton gazes across the booth at Lane trying to get a grip on how this talk is going to go. He can tell the usual happy go lucky guy was going through something but he doesn't know what. It seems like nobody could really see the hidden pain in Lane's eyes but it wasn't Ashton's place to ask what isn't brought up. Something he feels Tommy should consider.

"Well, I was leaving The Backdoor the other day and when I was about to start walking home some guy just blocked my path. He was a real creepy prick. All like 'what's your name Sugar' and 'I'm a gentleman blah blah blah'. I screamed pervert and he let go pretty quick then I left, highly annoyed but sporting a hard-on. I mean, the guy was sexy as fuck, huge build, tall like 7 foot, beautiful green eyes and just all around sexy! I let it go but then a few days later, I bumped into him in that small supermarket. You know the one on the corner of Randolph?" He asks the group who all nod.

"Yeah, we've been there a few times," Payton says before sipping his soda, not even noticing that he's slightly leaning forward as if it drawn in by Lane's intensity.

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