Chapter 32 Home is Wherever I'm With You

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(Chris pictured above)

Chapter 32  Home is Wherever I'm With You


There's that moment of confusion when you wake up in a strange bed, rather than that slow lull into wakefulness, you're jolted into awareness.

Taking in the room around me; bright colors, simple furniture and a large print of David Hockney's, The Group X, realization relaxes me. I'm in Tai's guestroom. I've stayed here before. This room, his whole apartment has a calming effect on me. He decorated it himself as expertly and consciously as he chooses his clothes. You'd never think it was the apartment of a college student, but Tai is meticulous about his environment. He's big on Feng Shui and swears it has influence over his dancing, studies and mood. Or, it's another excuse to go shopping, you decide.

"Are you up boo?" I hear a light knock on the door before it opens slowly. Tai peeks in. "How are you feeling?" His voice is soft, full of caring and concern. I blink my eyes a few times as my head clears out the remaining remnants of sleep. And it all comes back. Why I'm here and not waking up next to Casey. I let out a sigh and drop my head back heavily on the pillow.

"I'm okay."

"Will you come out? Payton's here, he brought bagels from The Grind. Hot coffee too. He got you a mint mocha chip Frappuccino!"

Tai walks over and sits on the bed next to me, putting one of his soft, warm hands on my cheek. "It's going to be okay, boo. It will all get worked out. Casey will understand and it'll be like nothing ever happened."

"I know," I reply. Smiling. Fake it, 'til you can make it. "I just have to pee and then I'll be out."

"Okay," he replies with a chuckle. There are towels in the bathroom and new toothbrushes in the drawer, well, you know where everything is, help yourself to whatever you need."

"Thanks Tai."

"No worries, I love you Tomatillo, I'm always here for you."

"I know, I love you too."

Standing up, he gives my hair a pull then walks back into the living room, leaving the door open.

"He'll be out in a few Pay, now tell me what you were up to last night? I thought you and Master Kael might be in the showroom for our demonstration, where were you?"

"No details until I get out there," I yell out, hearing Payton laugh.

Pulling myself up and out of bed I go into the guest bathroom. After I use the john, wash my hands, brush my teeth, and then throw some cold water on my face, I stare at myself in the mirror as the water runs down my chin and drips onto my chest. I mentally start listing all the things I see that make me realize why I'm not good enough for Casey. My eyebrows are too bushy, my hair is too flat, my eyes are too small, my nose is just...bleh! I'm too skinny, I'll never have muscles like him. He's like a god, and I'm...I'm nothing. He's like movie star good looking and body builder buff. I bet people look at him and look at me and wonder what the heck he's doing with me. I know I would. He deserves better...

 He deserves better

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