Chapter 9 Cleaning Up Loose Ends

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Pictured above is Master Casey

Chapter 9 Cleaning Up Loose Ends


"So what are you going to do?" Payton asks and it's not like I hadn't asked myself that a dozen times since last weekend, while we were away in Michigan, when we got back and every day this week as I sat in class and pretended to pay attention while Pay took notes for the both of us.

"Okay Tommy, you have a few choices...quit the gym and keep a low profile at the club and you never have to see him again..." I make a face at that because as mortified as I am, the thought of never seeing Casey again isn't at all appealing. "Or you can go to the gym and face him, talk to can always write him a letter?"

I laugh at the last one, Dear Casey, I'm sorry I distracted you during your scene, it was really hot even though I wish it was me on that table, and please excuse the cum that was dripping down my face when I saw you...can we be friends again?

"What are you giggling about?" Payton asks.

"Nothing. I just don't know what to say to him, it was horrible, all around. I guess I need to apologize first of all, probably to that Glen guy too since it was my fault."

"Tommy stop! It wasn't your fault, you did nothing wrong, Casey's a well trained Dom, he should have had more control than that. You didn't know he was there and you don't need to apologize to his sub either, geez T!"

"I can't help but think he's mad at me though, he hasn't texted me since it happened and before...when he was in L.A. we were texting at least once a day."

"Okay, get dressed T, you haven't been to the gym all week and you're going to lose the progress you worked so hard for. He may not even be there and if he is, you're still a paying gym member, you have every right to be there, if he minds he can just suck it. He's not a Dom at the gym...and better to have the first encounter there than at the club...where he is one and you have to be polite and all."

Payton throws some workout clothes at me and starts to get changed himself, at least he's coming with me so I won't have to face him alone.

"Come on T, hup, hup, turn that frown upside down and get dressed."

When we walk into the gym everything seemed normal, which, I guess I should have expected. I sign in and the girl who schedules personal training is behind the desk. "Hey Tommy, I was wondering what happened to you, do you want me to schedule you for some training sessions? Casey's back, he can probably fit you in later today or tomorrow."

"Um, can I get back to you later Stacy? I need to get my work schedule first," I lie.

"No worries, call or stop by anytime."

Payton and I run together on treadmills. Payton doesn't mind running as much as I do, but for once he's the one trying to keep up a conversation with me and I'm the quiet one. When we finish we go to do some strength training on the nautilus machine.

"Tommy, I just have to go to the washroom, I'll be right back," Payton says after a few minutes.

"Okay Pay." I'm setting up the leg machine when I feel a tap on my shoulder. "What's up Pay?" I say not bothering to turn around.

"Tommy, it's me," a deep voice says and I feel my whole body tense. "Relax, I just want to talk to you." I can't help but feel like his voice holds a hint of sadness and regret. I half expect him to start massaging my shoulders like he used to do when he wanted me to relax, but he doesn't touch me and my shoulders sag along with my mood.

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