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Maela being the only true blood shared between her father Laenor and mother Rhaenyra, she was appreciated more than her brothers to her disdain. She knew her brothers didn't entirely share the same blood as her...she knew who their father was, yet that didn't change the love she had for them. The only thing she hated was the rumors that were spread. Even being the second born, some people would prefer her as Rhaenyra's heir to the Iron Throne. She never desires to be queen.

Growing up, her family would make occasional visits to the Red Keep, so Rhaenyra can visit her father, and her children could spend time with their Grandsire.

As they grew older, Jacaerys, Lucerys, and their uncles would train with Ser Harwin. Meanwhile, Maela would have her lessons with her aunt. They were all born so close together, they were all close enough in age to learn all the same things.

Maela and Helaena were fairly close. She didn't see much of Aemond, and she would occasionally she Aegon in the library if he wasn't training. He never really paid her much attention, not to her surprise. She always thought them as polar opposites. The only time they ever really spoke was greeting one another or during an occasional conversation at dinner. Maela found it quite comforting at the Red Keep sometimes. She knew her mother and the Queen didn't like each other, but Maela also never spoke to the Queen unless the Queen spoke to her.

During this particular stay, Rhaenyra was very pregnant, and wanted to be able to have the baby here. She knew why. Maela was old enough to know that she wanted the father present when his child comes into the world. She knew her knew of it as well, but she knew he also loved her enough to support her through it all. That's what she loved about her loving he was. She feels that's where she got her love, empathy, and compassion from. She never saw much of Ser Harwin...only when he came to see his sons. The day her youngest brother was born, Maela spent the day with Helaena. They walked around the gardens a majority of the morning, settling underneath a very big tree that shaded a portion of a courtyard.

"Do you think you'll ever be Queen anywhere, Helaena?" Maela asked.

"Possibly. I know mother and father will want me to marry well, and they'll either promise me to a prince, or an heir to a throne. What about you, Mae?" She asked.

"Mother will want me to marry well...I just have no desire to be married, nor be Queen. I feel like if I married anyone, I'd want to marry more for love than duty." Maela responded.

Maela knew she was going to be of age soon. Soon, her mother and father would likely promise her to someone. She didn't want to say anything to them, because she knew it was for a reason. She just hoped the person she'd likely marry was at least a decent person. She wanted her future children to have a good and present father.

When it was time, Maela was called to meet her brother. Her father brought her in as her brothers, and Ser Harwin looked upon the new baby.

"This, my dear, is Joffrey." Her father introduced as Ser Harwin handed him the baby.

Maela looked down as her new baby brother with love and joy. Her mother smiled as the sight. It was all a happy sight. All of a sudden, one of the maidens comes into the room.

"Princess, the Queen is requesting your presence. She would like the baby to be presented to her and the King." She told them.

"You can't be serious." Laenor said in annoyance.

"It's alright, Laenor. Take me to them." She told him.

Once she was standing, Laenor gently took the baby from Maela and gave it to Rhaenyra. Ser Harwin took the boys to the training yard, after dropping Maela off at the library. He knew she was an avid reader, and had been outside already today. As she browsed the books, she heard the door open, showing someone with long silver hair like hers. Aegon made eye contact with her, figuring he'd be alone.

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