23: as a friend

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A week away from the festival, and every practice sesh is getting more and more unhinged.

"Zeke, why'd you suggest covering this song if you were all just gonna butcher it?"

"Because I wanted to piss you off, obviously."

She throws a wire at me. "Yeah, you probably did."

"I need a break," Patrick mumbles, hunched over his kit.


"Is Salted Caramel still pissed at you?" Damien asks me.

"She was pissed at all of us, actually. And no. We've worked it out."

"Good. So...she's coming to the festival...—and oh my god, that's why you wanna play that song!"

"It...was mentioned last night that she likes it, sure."

"Aw! You should have told me! We need to practice extra now. Tomorrow, too."

"We're doing fine with the schedule we have already."

"No. You raised the stakes by suggesting we play a song for your little crush. We practice tomorrow."

"Vera, wait a second—"

"I'm not having him look like an idiot and drive Caramel away from all of us again."

"This isn't the same as the Mason thing. How I play one song isn't going to..." But even as I speak the fear is growing until it's pounding in my head. I drop my head in my hand with a groan. "Vera, I hate you."

She picks up my guitar by the neck and shoves to towards me. "Take it out on the guitar."

We finish practice.

When I get back, I don't expect Iliana to be awake. But she is. She's totally awake, watching another movie with Finn in the living room. She doesn't notice me walk in until I say, "Hey."

Her head snaps up. Her silver eyes are filed with fear, but it doesn't feel directed at me. It's like she's looking through me. Reliving something.

Alarms ring through my head. "Are you okay?"

"Mhm." She avoids my eyes and bites her lip. It takes everything in me to stop myself from staring at that little gesture.

I approach her and sit on the opposite end of the couch. Closer than I usually end up, which is on a different couch entirely. Finn wags his tail when he sees me, but doesn't move from his spot on her lap.

I don't blame him.

...and where the fuck did that thought come from?

I shake the thought away entirely. "Did something happen today?"

She shrugs, not taking her eyes off the TV. But she hugs Finn a little closer to herself, and that's all the answer I need.

"What did your dad do?"

Iliana scoff. "He didn't do anything, except send two of his legitimate kids to pick up the files. Fucking Rosalie and Xavier."

"What the fuck?"

"Yep. Fucking Rosalie and Xavier. You know them?"

"Yeah. I've run into them at more events than I can count." I nod at the TV. "What'd they do to make you watch Invasion of the Body Snatchers like it's gonna give you all the answers to the universe?"

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