Part I, The Disaster Of Isla Nublar

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The wind blew lightly, blowing a few dark curly strands across Holly's face, she moves them behind her ear as she tries to finish her drawing, trying to sketch the hybrid below the top of the wall she was sitting on, but she continuously messed up its back, her paper half smudged with the number of times she had to erase on it. She needed to get a closer look at its back.

The only time the Indominus Rex would move is during feeding time, but until then it just stared at her curiously, as if it'd never seen Holly before until Holly jumped off the fence and left. Normally it would attack and be aggressive with everyone else, but it had seen Holly since it hatched from its egg, it was friendly towards her, and curious of what Holly was to it.

But it's facing forward, and she can't see it's back from this angle. Holly takes off her headphones and sighs, she closes her sketchpad and puts it in her bag -which is also on top of the wall which separated the rest of the park with the Indominus Rex- along with her headphones and the rope she built along the wall just so she could see and sketch the hybrid, perhaps strike a conversation with it too. Not that it would say anything back.

She slides down the wall, everyone wondered why she had so many blisters on her hands, she would laugh and tell them about the rope and the dinosaur.

She nods to the guards by the wall as a greeting and hops on her quadbike, speeding down the park. She sped past people, heading to the campgrounds, admiring the beautiful view like she always did.

But before she could head to the campgrounds, she had to make a quick stop.


"Hey Lilia", Holly greeted. Lilia was the cashier to the dino-sweet store she frequented, but also her best and only friend her age on the island. "Hi Lucero, I'm guessing you'll have your usual?" Lilia replied, reaching down for the cranberry flavored T-Rex gummies she always loved to eat every morning, it was a snack she enjoyed after a salad.

"Yeah", Holly pulled out her 13 bucks cash to pay. "And, I know what you're going to ask me so I'm going to stop you right there and tell, you no, I can't make it." Lilia groaned. "Again? Its been two weeks since we've hung out." Holly sighed. "I know, but there's going to be campers coming to the island tomorrow and I'm helping the counsellors supervise the kids, I need to be there." Lilia sighs as Holly walks to the door, shoving her gummies in her pocket. "I should get going now Lils, see you." Holly waves to Lily from the door, the customer behind her mumbling 'finally' and Lilia waves back, a fake smile plastered on her face.


"Hey kiddo where were you? You were supposed to be here like, 15 minutes ago", asked Dave co-head camp counsellor for tomorrow, he took care of Holly after a dinosaur attacked and killed her parents when she was five years old.

"Lilia wanted to talk to me, I got sidetracked." She replied, shrugging it off. "Ok cool, but don't let it happen again, you know we have to do nighttime herding round this hour. Don't want ya to get hurt." He ruffles her hair affectionately, Holly smiled, she loved and always appreciated moments like this. "Now get to bed little lady." He said smiling. "When can I help with nighttime herding?" Holly asked. Dave looked deep in thought for a moment. "When you're 15, in a years' time." He finally said. Holly didn't like it, but she could be quite patient when she wanted to. "Good enough." She replied with before heading up to the dorms.

Holly always had her own room since the big one was full of beds and meant for the campers that were coming tomorrow.

She stepped out of the elevator and walked past all the bunk beds and  up the spiral steps that led to her room, she opened her door to the big cozy bedroom she was given, a wooden floor that would often squeak when stepped on, but Holly never minded, with a wooden rug just beside her unmade bed, fake grass lining up the huge window just in front of her bed, she liked her room being decorated with nature (even if it was fake), giving her a lovely view of the trees, and they a view of her, but it wasn't like a dinosaur was gonna peep on her. Just above her bed was a fake tree trunk with fake moss spreading onto a woodland bookshelf and a loft canopy above. Holly quickly climbed up the tree trunk that led to her little loft, where her closet was, it was very tiny, but you'd be surprised how many things are in there, she pulls out her pajamas and lays in the bed under her loft right by her fake tree, and she wondered how it would be like to really sleep out in nature.

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