Chapter 15

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Rae and Eren were transported to the old Survey Corps headquarters.

"Ew! It's so dirty! It's going to take forever to clean!" Rae shouted, looking at the castle-like buildings with a mix of dismay and disbelief.

Eren gave her a side glance, sighing at his friend. "Why are you even here?" he asked, exasperation clear in his voice.

"Where else would she be? She killed 17 titans, you know. That's more than I have killed," Petra said as she approached Eren, a hint of admiration in her voice.

"Still, the other new recruits haven't joined yet. Why her?" Eren half-whined, half-asked, confusion etched on his face.

"That's because Captain Levi himself took a liking to her and specifically asked for her to be put in his squad," Petra explained, causing Rae to look at her in shock. As far as she remembered, she hadn't done anything extraordinary except killing some titans.

Levi’s authoritative voice cut through the conversation, "Let's get cleaning!" He led them inside to begin the daunting task. Rae meticulously cleaned every corner, making sure no dust remained. She took pride in her work, even though it was tedious.

As Rae was carefully dusting a shelf in one of the rooms, Levi entered and started cleaning alongside her. They hadn't spoken directly before, so the atmosphere felt awkward. Gathering her courage, Rae decided to break the silence.

"Uh- hello, Captain Levi, and thank you for having me here," Rae said nervously, bowing slightly.

Levi looked at her, his expression unreadable. "You are?" he asked.

"Rae Ichira, from the 108th training unit," Rae introduced herself, straightening up.

Levi walked past her to the window she had just cleaned. He rubbed his finger on the glass and inspected it. "Well, you do a good job at cleaning, Ichira," he said, noting his still-clean finger.

"Thank you, I just can't stand uncleanliness," Rae replied, glancing outside at the view.

Levi hummed in approval. "Well, let's keep cleaning," he said, and Rae nodded.

Eren entered the room, looking slightly more disheveled than before. "The first floor is clean. Where will I be sleeping?" he asked.

"Your room is in the basement," Levi replied.

"The basement again," Eren muttered, disappointment evident on his face.

"That's one of the conditions we need to fulfill," Levi reminded him.

"Eren, you finish up here. I'll check upstairs," Levi said, leaving the room.

Rae watched Levi leave, feeling a mix of admiration and apprehension. She turned to see Petra entering the room.

Petra came in and talked about levi with the two of them. Apparently he had been an underground thug before joining the survey corps.

"Hey, Eren. It's far from clean. Do it again!" Levi’s voice echoed from the hallway, making Eren sigh in defeat as he went to redo his cleaning.

Petra approached Rae with a sympathetic smile. "You’ll get used to his standards. He’s strict but fair," she said, trying to reassure her.

Rae nodded, grateful for Petra’s kindness. They continued cleaning in silence for a while until Rae spoke up again. "Petra, why do you think Levi chose me?"

Petra paused, considering her words. "He sees potential in you, Rae. You have skills that can be honed. Plus, your determination and attention to detail are traits he values."

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