27 Past

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17 years old, Clarisia

With a deep breath, I smoothed the thin fabric of my dress.
"Are you coming?" Lorelie called, I could hear her high-pitched laughter as she talked to Derik downstairs.
I rolled my eyes and put my foot on the top step of the stairs.
"Did your grandma sort out her curtains?" The snarky comment made me freeze in mid-movement.
Damien came towards me on the stairs, his gaze wandered over my floral dress and he raised an eyebrow.
His comment hit me harder than I wanted to admit.

Only two months ago, Florin had made an impression and, of course, had immediately broken up with me. I hadn't wanted to go to this party, but Lorelie hadn't stopped raving about it until I gave in. A lump formed in my throat.
"What's your problem?" I shouted in a choked voice. "Why do you always have to be so mean?"
"What's wrong?" I heard Lorelie calling downstairs.
Damien frowned, obviously a little shocked by my violent reaction. "No need to cry."
"I'm not crying!" With hot tears on my cheeks that proved me wrong, I stalked down the stairs.

My fingers were shaking uncontrollably. The mascara was running and burning my eyes.
Angrily, I wiped my face with the back of my hand. "Fucking makeup."
He stopped on the step below me so that our faces were on the same level. I could look straight into his eyes, which looked gray in the dull light of the dusk.
"Fucking makeup!" I shouted at him. "You ruined it!"
"Oh, no one wants to see you like that at the party anyway." He leaned his back against the wooden banister, his arms folded in front of his chest. "The new James Bond is on the TV downstairs. I've been wanting to watch it for a long time."
A grin crept across his face for a brief moment and made me lose control.

With an angry cry, I rushed forward and hit him in the chest. His eyes widened in surprise as he lost his balance and fell over the banister. Startled, I fell to the banister, but of course he landed on his feet. How could it be otherwise, after all, we were talking about Damien Lynch.
The Teenagers in the living room stopped their conversations and looked over at us in alarm.
After a second, Damien raised his head and fixed me over the banister with his blue-green eyes. I could see his body tense and swallowed hard.The moment he started moving, I fled up the stairs.
My breathing quickened and my heart pounded loudly in my chest.

Just before I reached my bedroom door, he caught me. I slammed into the wall, stars exploding before my eyes. Damien lifted me effortlessly so that my legs dangled in the air.
I could hear several feet clattering up the stairs.
"Are you trying to kill me, Rollins?" His words rumbled deep in his chest.
Paralyzed with fear, I stared into his pitch-black eyes. His hot breath blew across my cheeks. One of his large hands moved threateningly close to my neck.
"Damien!" Jayce's voice called out in alarm.

"Try a knife next time, okay?" Damien growled, the pressure around my neck increasing.
With a desperate gasp, I kicked with both feet, hitting him hard on the thigh.
For a split second, his grip loosened and I hit his face with all my strength with my clenched fist.
Damien pushed me to the ground, causing me to hit the old wooden floorboards painfully. He leaned over me, furious, and I ducked with a soft whimper.

"Hey, hey!" Noah's voice reached my ears.
The son of our beta wolf grabbed Damien by the shoulders and dragged him away from me.
Lorelie fell to her knees next to me, her face white.


The door opened and Damien squeezed into the room. I raised my head in surprise. His ash-blonde hair was still damp and shimmered darkly, I could smell the bitter scent of his shampoo.
I put the book down from my lap and crossed my legs, leaning on my elbows.
"What are you doing here?" I asked teasingly.
Passion flashed in his blue-green eyes, which immediately began to darken, like ink in a clear mountain lake. "You have three guesses."
My heartbeat increased and hot blood pumped through my veins.
I leaned forward so that he could peek into my cleavage and reached for the lip balm on the nightstand. He watched with greedy eyes as I moistened my lips and got up from the edge of the bed.

Angry, Oblivious, AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now