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* 。゚┈•゚。 *

"ARE you excited for your first day?"


Emi waved her hands around, almost dropping her plate of pancakes on the floor.

"Be careful, Emi." Kenji smiled at seeing his daughter so excited. He felt a bit uneasy at the fact that she would be taken care of by another person, but Mina reassured him that she would be just fine.

He helped Emi finished her breakfast and then the two went to the bathroom. Opening Emi's toothpaste bottle, he squeezed some on her toothbrush and handed it to her before brushing his teeth.

"No Emi, like this." He corrected his daughter as he did a circle motion while brushing his teeth.

"Ohh!" She smiled and followed her dad's movements.

* 。゚┈•゚。 *

Kenji stood outside of Emi's classroom, fixing his sunglasses and cap trying to keep a low profile because it was way too early to be swarmed by people and signing things.

He crouched down to reach Emi's height.

"Be a good girl okay? Make friends and have fun." He smiled.

"Okay!" She gave him the biggest hug her small body could possibly give, and Kenji kissed her forehead at that.

"Let's meet your teacher, yeah?"

After a few minutes it was finally his turn to drop off Emi.

"Hello! What's your name?" You finally said, hands intertwined infront of you as you bent down a bit.

"Emi!" She showed a toothy grin.

"Well it's so nice to meet you Emi! You can call me Ms. [L/n], find the cubby with your name and you could put your backpack there, alright?" You pointed to the open door leading into the classroom.

Emi nodded and turned around to give her dad yet another hug and a kiss before she ran inside.

You got up from bending down and was met with the sight Kenji Sato himself.

"I don't mean to be rude but I don't think that disguise is gonna work on a lot of people." You held back a small laugh.

"Excuse me?" He acted confused.

"I have access to all of my students full names. It's not easy to hide things from your child's teacher, Mr. Sato."  You held out a hand to shake.

"I'm [Y/n] [L/n], your child is in good hands. You should get going before someone finds you out and causes a scene.

Kenji could only look at you dumbfounded as he shook your hand. He found it weird that you weren't freaking out or immediately yelling out his name so the whole school could know.

He liked it though, it was too early to be in an overwhelming crowd.

"Uh— okay, yeah. Uhm, have a nice day."

"You too."

She waved and entered her classroom with a smile.


In reality she was freaking out. I mean who wouldn't? But she knows how and when to stay professional.

'This is the best day of my life..'

* 。゚┈•゚。 *


First interaction with the hottie himself!! I'm not rlly proud of this chapter so maybe I'll come back to it later and change a few things.

Besides that, I hope you're enjoying the story! Take care :)

* 。゚┈•゚。 *

。𝘽𝘼𝘽𝙔。 || 𝙆𝙀𝙉𝙅𝙄 𝙎𝘼𝙏𝙊 𝙓 𝙁!𝙍𝙀𝘼𝘿𝙀𝙍Where stories live. Discover now