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Kenji paced around in thought in his living room as Emi watched him from the couch in confusion.

"What's wrong daddy?" She asked.

Kenji didn't answer her, being too focused on fixing his problem. The sun being high in the sky.

He needed to find a babysitter, fast. His mom was in the hospital and he didn't want to bring Emi, seeing as only two visitors are allowed and he didn't want her to see her grandmother in the hospital.

But he didn't want to leave her with Mina because he felt that it would be irresponsible to leave his daughter with a robot.

He sat down next to his daughter and sighed. "Who can babysit you Emi..." he asked his daughter.

"Mommy!" Emi immediately said, smiling up to her dad.

Kenji let out another sigh. It wasn't a bad idea, but he didn't know if he trusted you enough. Mina could always notify him if something went wrong, so he started considering it more.

Eventually, he gave into the idea. Sending an email to you because that was the only way you two could communicate right now.

To his surprise, you responded almost immediately.

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"Thank you so much for doing this [L/n]."

"It's no problem, you can call me [Y/n] if you want." You smiled.

He nodded and gave you a small piece of paper. "Call me if you need anything, I'll be back as soon as possible."

You took the paper and nodded.

"Emi, I gotta go but I'll be back home soon. Thank you again [Y/n]!" He gave his daughter a kiss on the forehead and rushed out.

You picked Emi up and walked back inside the huge mansion. 'Damn, this place is huge.' You looked around in shock.

"Alright Emi, I'll be babysitting you until your dad comes back. What do you wanna do?" You set her down on the couch.

"Mommy wanna play!" She jumped on the couch.

"Alright, let's go play!" You did nothing against her calling you mommy, knowing you couldn't change her mind and instead looked around. "Is your room upstairs?"

She nodded and ran to the stairscase, waiting for you to help her up.

"Welcome, [Y/n]." You jumped when a voice spoke behind you. Turning around, you were met with a floating ball.

"What the.."

"My name is Mina. I am Kenji's assistant, I will help you if you need anything." She said.

You only stared dumbfounded until Emi tugged on your shirt. You shook your head and helped her up the long set of stairs.

"Doesn't your dada ever get tired of walking all these steps." You jokingly said.

Finally you got to the top of the stairs, following Emi as she practically ran to her play room.

"Sit here mommy!" She smiled at you, pointing to the small chair and table.

You tried your best to sit comfortably on the small chair as Emi gave you a fake menu.

"What would you like!" She put on her little chef hat.

'AWEE! She's looks so cute..' You internally cried.

"Can I have the steak please?" You pointed to a little  steak drawing.

She nodded and got to work at her fake kitchen, seemingly looking for something.

A few seconds after she gave you a plate with nothing.

In reality, Emi seemed to have lost the toy stake that came with the set. So she settled to make you eat air.

You held back a small laugh and pretended to eat with the plastic utensils.

"Wow, this is really good Emi!"


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Another chapter!! I think I'm starting to get sick so that isn't fun.. but I went to go watch the new inside out movie yesterday and it was rlly good! Definitely recommend it c:

As always, have a wonderful day and I'll update soon!

。゚┈•゚。 *

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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