Angel's POV
I enter the base silently like I usually do, with my holo-disguise on. It's a hologram of puma or mountain lion around my actual body. It won't stop anyone from feeling my metal frame, but it's good enough to allow me the freedom to roam. And keeps humans from getting to close.
Anyway my name is Angel, at least that's the closest English translation of my name. The actual translation is Guardian Angel, but that was to long for my liking. So it's just Angel. I've been on Earth for over a decade. I was and I still am rogue, a neutral. But the autobots allow me to visit whenever I want. In fact their medic gave me the ability to make my disguise. None of them know I have a bi-pedal mode though and I intend on keeping it that way.
I smell intruders in the base and silently snarl. Rushing into the main room and spot three young humans. "Mountain lion!" the girl screams. I growl stalking towards them, holo-hackles raised.
"Whoa, easy Angel!" Bulkhead shouts blocking my path to the human youth with Bumblebee.
"They are friends" Bumblebee beeps and I cock my helm (head) to the side. Friends? I ponder.
"Angel" Optimus says calmly and I look up at him expectantly. "Welcome home, I trust you have nothing to report?" he asks. I head over to the computer and plug in. Uploading my report from my time away.
"No decepticon activity or new energon deposits in the area" Ratchet states reading it.
"Since when did you guys have a puma?" the taller of the human boy asks.
"Is she safe?" the other asks as he hides slightly behind the other boy.
"Yes and no" Arcee tells them. "Angel is a rogue, neither an autobot or decepticon. But she brings us useful information" she explains as I let my holo-disguise fall.
"Wow! She's a robotic cat!" the girl screams excitedly. I glare at her with my blue optics (eyes) and head to my usual spot. A vacant drain pipe and jump into it. I lay down looking down at the whole room.
"She is a cybertronian mini-con, who resembles a feline" Optimus tells her.
"I thought you said she isn't a con?" the older boy asks confused.
"Mini-con is a sub-species of Cybertronian, like dino-bots" Ratchet states matter of factly.
"Most mini-cons bond with an autobot or decepticon. Like Laser-beak with Soundwave" Bulkhead explains.
"Who is Angel bonded to?" the younger boy asks. I should probably learn their designations. I am sure I will learn them in time.
"No one, not anymore" Optimus state and I growl warningly. These humans have no right to know my story. Even if they are autobot allies or friends as Bumblebee put it. "Anyway, Arcee and I must get going. Ratchet ground bridge" he says. Ratchet activates it and Optimus leaves with Arcee. The control panel sparks and I frown.
"Should we introduce ourselves?" the young boy asks his two friends. As he comes out from hiding behind the older boy.
"Great idea!" the girl yells and runs towards me. She looks up at me as I look down at her quizzically. "Hey, I'm Miko" she states and I look at the young boy.
"I'm Raf" the young boy says timidly and I look at the other.
"Jack" he states and I nod my helm. Happy to know their designations, so I can put them to their unique scents. So that I will remember it in the future. "So how come you guys never mentioned her before?" Jack asks the autobots.
"Never came up, not even Fowler knows about her" Bulkhead states.
"Sweet" Miko cheers and takes my picture. I scowl as she and the other two head for the human platform. I did not give her permission to take a photo of me. Sly human, I'll have to keep an optic on her. Something tells me she is a trouble maker. "So, what do you guys think we should do today?" she asks the others.

Angel: Transformers Prime Fanfiction
FanfictionAngel is a Cybertronian Mini-con, who looks like a robotic cat. Just like her brother Ravage. While Ravage stayed with their master or companion Soundwave and became a decepticon. Angel went rogue and it's not natural for a mini-con to not be bonded...