Life on the Nemesis

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Angel's POV

I've been here a couple of weeks, I think. It's hard to keep time on the ship when you don't have access to a window 24/7. Not much has changed since Megatron's return. He had beaten the shit out of Starscream. I noticed last week he was missing an arm. Which he has now replaced. Breakdown is now missing an optic and I don't know why. I have to hack into the system at some point to read mission reports.

I still haven't reconnected with Soundwave, not that Megatron knows that. I thinks I am a loyal decepticon. But I am still neutral. I had hoped I would have been gone from the Nemesis by now. But, nope I am still stuck here.

'Don't you want to stay with sire and I?' Laserbeak asks me.

'I love you both, but I cannot be a decepticon. I just do not believe in your cause' I tell him sadly. 'I did, back when Megatron wanted equality. But then he became a tyrant and started a war that lead to the destruction of our home' I state.

'I am sure he regrets that' he states.

'Do you believe that?' I ask him.

'No' he mumbles as Soundwave appears. He gives us each an energon cube. 'What's happening?' Laserbeak asks him. We'd been stuck in the berth room since Breakdown got back from his most recent mission.

'W have a new recruit and I do not want either of you going anywhere alone' Soundwave states. I purr happily and he strokes my helm.

'Who is it?' I ask him.

'Airachnid' he answers and I bristle. 'Do not fear my mini-cons, she will not harm you while I am around. But no more playing in the halls without me or exploring the ship' he tells us.

'Yes sire' Laserbeak and reattaches to Soundwave. Falling into alight recharge.

'Angel, it would be better if you and I reconnected' Soundwave tells me. 'So that I can know where you are at all times and that you are safe' he states.

'I know but I have changed a lot' I tell him.

'I know, you are neutral' he states.

'Not just that, I have a new ability' I tell him as I swish my tail nervously.

'What sort of ability?' he asks me curious.

'Promise to keep it between us three?' I ask him warily. He nods his helm and I transform into my bi-pedal mode. 'I learn about this after Ravage died, no one else knows' I tell him.

'You are beautiful Angel' he tells me. 'I promise, this will remain between us' he assures me. 'I know you hate being locked up in the Nemesis and there will be more restrictions now with Airachnid around. But I promise to find a way for you to be free again' he states.

'I am sorry for hurting you and Laserbeak. I know you both want me to stay with you both and me wanting to leave hurts you both. But I just don't well locked in, I am used to be free to do what I like without rules or restrictions' I state.

'I understand, Ravage hated being locked away too' he states. 'He really missed you' he adds.

'I am sorry for his death, had I not left you all. He might still be alive today' I state as I transform back.

'It was not your fault Angel, I never blamed you. But know I will protect you always, even if you decide to become an autobot' he states.

'I love you' I tell him nuzzling his side.

'And I you' he states. 'I must get back to work, want to come?' he asks. I nod and we leave the berth room. I stick close to his side. When we reach the bridge I see no sign of Starscream or Megatron. I look up at Soundwave quizzically. 'On a scouting mission' he states and goes to his work station. I jump up and lay across his shoulders as he works.

"Is that Ravage? I thought he died on Cybertron" a femme states. I snarl glaring at her.

"Angel" Soundwave answers in Megatron's voice.

"Oh his sister, I thought she defected" she states.

"Loyal" Soundwave states.

"Doesn't look that way to me, otherwise she'd be attached to you like Laserbeak" she states. Soundwave and I ignore her. She goes over to the window as Soundwave goes back to his work. Life on the Nemesis is hard and with Airachnid here, I'd have to be even more careful or where I go on this ship. Because I'd hate to be caught in a dark room alone with her. Though I can use the vents to get around and I should be safe in them And at least she isn't Shockwave, I fear him more then her. But I fear Megatron or losing Soundwave or Laserbeak more then I fear them both combined.


Picture above of the Nemesis.

P.S. I will be skipping to One Shall Fall in the next chapter. I am sorry for skipping so many episodes, but with Angel stuck on the ship. It doesn't give me a lot to go on with adding her into those episodes and I really want to get to season 2 and 3. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

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