Angel's POV
It's a couple days after I returned to the autobot base. Optimus is recovering well. But I am getting a bad feeling about Bumblebee. Yesterday he and Bulkhead were playing a game of basketball Cybertron style. And he nearly took Bulk's head off with the lob ball. Which is not normal for him.
Anyway, the kids are at school as it's a Monday. It's just Ratchet, Bumblebee and I at the base. As Optimus is out scouting and Arcee went with Bulkhead to take their charges to school. Speaking of which, it's strange that Bumblebee hasn't taken Raf to school. Did he get a lift with one of the other two?
So Ratchet and I had just had an energon cube. We're heading for the control room. Where we see Bumblebee destroy one of Ratchet's tools. "Bumblebee! I needed that!" Ratchet snaps.
"I'm sorry Ratchet" Bumblebee buzzes apologetically.
"What has gotten into you?" Ratchet asks him.
"I've been seeing Megatron in my head" Bumblebee tells us. I scowl.
"You're seeing Megatron's face?" Ratchet asks.
(Time skip)
Ratchet did a bunch of tests and all negative. So he has decided to put Bumblebee in power down mode. To give his processor a chance to rest and reset from the cortical physic patch. The others have arrived back, but only Raf is here. As Jack is at work and Miko has detention.
"Bumblebee's complaining of intermittent visions. Waking nightmares, if you will" Ratchet explains as he put Bumblebee in power down mode.
"But you said bee was fine when you checked him over" Raf states.
"Physically, but the experience he endured seems to be having a temporary effect on his psyche. This induced power-down should force Bumblebee's mind to rest and recover" Ratchet assures him. I pray he is right, as I still have a bad feeling.
Suddenly the comm system goes off and I slink into the shadows as Fowler appears on screen. We've never meet and I plan on keeping it that way. The autobots respect my decision and have kept my existence a secret from Fowler.
"Prime. You spot any Decepticons wearing hula skirts lately?" he demands. Honestly, he is always yelling or upset by something. The guy needs to learn to chill.
"No, special agent Fowler. Why?" Optimus asks him.
"Because I was hoping you'd have a lead on the 'cons that busted into the Kauai naval observatory. The place looked like it was hit by an army of wrecking balls" Fowler explains. Why would the decepticons break into an observatory? What's Starscream planning?
"Why would 'cons break in to an observatory?" Arcee asks voicing my question.
"Does the Hoit-Nikogosian ring any bells?" Fowler asks.
"The space telescope" Raf states.
"As of last night, missing its primary lens" Fowler tells them.
"It's difficult to guess Starscream's intent without knowing where the lens has been taken" Optimus tells him.
"Good thing the lens has a tracking device" Fowler states. Then sends them to the coordinates. It's in the Arctic, no thank you. I'd rather not freeze my tail off.
"The Arctic? Great. Another chance to freeze our spark plugs off" Arcee grumbles. Ratchet zooms in to show a butch of energon.
"That's a nd-7 class. Biggest un-minable Energon deposit there is" Bulkhead states. Unless someone can find a way through all the solid ice.
"Unminable until Starscream melts his way down to it" Optimus states. That could work. But he wouldn't want to do it directly over the energon. Otherwise he'd ignite it by accident.

Angel: Transformers Prime Fanfiction
FanfictionAngel is a Cybertronian Mini-con, who looks like a robotic cat. Just like her brother Ravage. While Ravage stayed with their master or companion Soundwave and became a decepticon. Angel went rogue and it's not natural for a mini-con to not be bonded...