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I stood in the short line, waiting to board the plane. I was holding Aden's hand now. I picked him up putting him on my hip. His legs help hide mines.
Aden in his parents were boarding the same plane as me. Then it was my turn to verify my ticket and ID. I passed Aden to his parents, then pulled out my wallet. I gave the employee my info. After the process was complete I waited on Aden. I didn't see him yet so I decided to just wait in the front of the plane. I pulled out my phone in started texting nunu .
He didn't even reply, and he always replied. I just stood there until I felt a hand on my waist push me to the back of the plane. I snapped my head around ready to slap the shit out of who ever touched me like that. The back of my hand was ready to pop some body.
"KEKE it's just me"a familiar voice said quickly. I was still upset and angry. I wouldn't care if he was Obama I still wouldn't approve of him touching me like that. Don't let these shorts fool you I'm not a groupie let alone a WHORE
"Okay, don't touch me like that" I snatched. We were now at the back of the plan.
"Just sit down" he demanded.
"Not next to you, I want" I said angrily.
"It's not even that serious sit down"
He said calmly. I stood up trying to exit in he blocked the exit.
"Move"I whispered-yelled.
I noticed people where starting to look are way. I looked down then at him.
"I'm not letting you out you might as well sit down" he said seriously.
I sat down in defeat. I was still mad. Unlike some of the females he used to being around I have morals I have respect for my self. I figured Aden didn't board the same plane as me, because I still didn't see him. I was kinda mad, but I began to focus my anger on the trashy A-class plane. Instead of two-seated rows there were four-seated rows. There wasn't any privacy curtain or visor. I decided to ignore him. I couldn't believe he thought so low of me.

Lil Durk P.O.V
KEKE was still mad at me for touching her lower back/ waist.
I kept asking her "Was she just going to ignore me",and "Was she really mad". I got tired of trying if she wanna talk to me she will. I don't do begging.
I ain't have time for her little silent treatment. I had other important things to think about. My baby momma In the media posting old pics talking bout some look who stop by.
Lil JoJo momma reopening the case talking like the OTF squad and 300 paid some one to killed her son. I'm on trail for illegal gun possession. chief got evicted out his mansion. Reese on trial for domestic violence for something that happen years ago.
Some treats beening made about whacking my cousin nunu Chino been M.I.A. My thoughts kept rambling on, and on. Then i heard my song "What you life like" on my album "Remember my name". It was KEKE she forgot to put her phone on silent. she was on the edge of Falling asleep. Till she heard the song playing. She quickly grabbed her phone, and answered it.
"Hello......yeah.......i stopped by yo house........yea I did........maria opened the door she told me not to come back cause yall was a thing, and I was standing in the way.............i heard that in fell handle that.......she to pretty to be trying to fight........i miss you too......okay love you too.........bye....bye August.

I was stunned she told August she loved him too. Like i ain't know how to take that. My point exactly she so naïve. I looked at her and she returned the look.
"Okay I like your music, and I'm a fan but I'm not a whore, and I don't appreciate you touching me like that, and I know your baby moms wouldn't neither"she said quickly.
"Number 1 I know you not hoe number 2 I don't care what you appreciate in number 3 don't believe every thing you hear on the News that was way back"
"Well just know don't touch me like that again"like imma 5-Starr Chiraq savage I do what I want. I touched her lower back in pulled her close. She kept restraining pushing away.
"keep yo hands off me" she picked my hand up and sat it on my lap. I put my hand on her thigh in she quivered. I guess she was mad so she attempted to get up. I blocked her with my foot. She slapped me hard.
I grabbed her in set her down next to me. She looked away mad.
"KEKE how can you be mad at me you slapped me"I said rubbing my jaw.
"Because I asked you not to touch me in you did it anyway"
"An Imma do it again"i said
"Be prepared to get slapped every time too"she mentioned.

KEKE finally relaxed in went to sleep. I don't understand why she ain't want me to touch her so bad. I move the armrest up in pulled her close to me by her waist. She rested her head on my shoulder. I went on Instagram in DM her a picture of her sleep on me. the caption read me and bäë 👫💏
I laid my head back in went to sleep.

I woke up on durk chest his hand rapped around my waist. I couldn't even be mad. I grabbed my phone and checked my notifications. I saw Durk had DM me. I opened it in seen it was a pic of me sleep on him with the caption me and bäë👫💏. I didn't know how to feel. I just closed the app. A few seconds later I heard the announcement come on saying the first stop was Atlanta, Georgia
I got up in reached for my bags. I felt two hands snake around my waist in a raspy voice say "Imma miss you in i love you". After I got my bags down I hugged him back in said "I'll miss you too"
"You don't love me too"he said looking down
"I barely even know you"i spoke.
"We can change that"he charmed
"Bye"i said annoyed. Boys these days think girls are so easy I can't wait to tell nunu about his cousin.

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