Chapter 27

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"Mntungwa,Mbulaz'omnyama,Nina bakaBhej'eseNgome umzukulu usesicelile ukuthi siyomlobolela intombazane yakwaBhengu sicela nibusise lemali esiyolobola ngayo ukuze umendo walezingane ungapheli bangaxabaniswa ubala siyabonga Nin'enadla izimf'ezimbili ikhamba laphuma lilinye lobengula kaMzilikazi "[The grandson has asked us to dowry for the Bhengu girl, please bless the money with which we will dowry so that the journey of these children will not end and they will not be in conflict, thank you]

It's lobolo Day today after the lobolo negotiations. umembeso will take place. Umembeso" is a gift-giving ceremony that forms part of the traditional Zulu wedding process. The uncles go to emlazi, leaving Ndlalifa and the rest of the family behind they follow them behind according to tradition the person paying the dowry stays behind.

The Khumalo's arrive at umlazi

"Sikhulekile kwaBhengu Ngcolosi wena wakwaDlabazane kaNgwane kaNephu kaLamula nyawo zigezwa amazolo..." The pay in order to get in when they sit down at the sitting room they pay ivulamlomo In order for this to happen they will have to put down a certain amount of money known as imvula mlomo - direct translation - mouth opener. Once that is accepted, they are let into the house where the negotiations will take place.The groom's uncles and bride's uncles discuss the groms intentions and how much he is will to offer the family for their daughter the both families agree on 11 cows each cow R10 500 making that R111 500 including inkomo kamah called ingquthu when they are done negotiating the Bhengu girls come covered in blankets the groom's uncles choose their bride which was Nothando the negotiations went well the groom's uncle leave.


Ndlalifa and his family are announcing their arrival by singing and dancing outside the Bhengu's gate, carrying gifts . Both families compete in song , with the groom's family asking for permission to enter the yard by announcing that they have come bearing gifts when they enter the yard after placing money on the ground as a sign that they really want to be with the bride they came for they are taken to a small open tent with chairs on this is were the gifting ceremony will take place Ndlalifa is taken to the front where there's is one chair next to the chair there's a straw mat where Nothando will sit in the Nothando is in the house her in laws go and dress her in a traditional dress that is brought by them this is symbolic of the bride being part of their family when she gets out of the house there is more singing and dancing.

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