chapter29- The Wedding (part1)

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*Cassandra’s POV*

“geez relax will yah..” Cash paced back and forth in her maid of honor dress while feeding one of the twins, which I pressume Cloud. Really her sons are so so identical all of us are having a hard time figuring them out..

I look at her through the full length mirror in front of me..

I’m wearing one of the best wedding down creations of Freya’s best friend, which is one of the top fashion designer in the world. It’s simple yet elegant and screams of wealth..

A fitting dress for a Collins bride..

My make up is to make sure i look natural yet glowing and radiant.

“Cash is right.. but i guess you have the right to be nervous..” Artemis said as she sat there on the cute settee, wearing one of the bridesmaids dress..

She looks enchanting as usual..

“do I look alright??” I asked as I bit my nails

“stop bitting your freakin nails Cassandra..” Cash said sternly

so motherly..

“of coures you are..” Freya said as she glided across the room towards me.. like the goddess that she is..

“besides I know Calix like the fool that he is cant even hide his excitement right now..” Athena said

The tyrant Collins, as the press dubbed her..

She’s Cashel in some ways..

I smiled at them..

“I’m not nervous.. I’m actually excited and I dont know what to do to contain it..” I giggled

“it is after all your wedding day..” Artemis said

“oh Cash.. is Sprite here already??” I asked Cash

She faced me..

“he is.. he’s with lola and lolo..” she said

Then theres a knock on the door..

“I’ll open it..” Artemis volunteered

“hey no guys allowed..” she said

“I just want to see my wife Artemis..”

And that heavenly voice is Cashel’s..

Athena rolled her eyes, Freya raised a delicate brow and Artemis smiled..

“what now?” Cash said as she approached the door..

“what?? I’m not allowed to see my wife and son??” he asked

Cash snorted in response..

“wheres Cloud??” she asked

Ok so the baby she’s holding is Sky.. geez..

“with the nanny, sound asleep and I’m here to ask if Sky is too..”

I smiled as I listen to them bicker..

They never change..

I just hope that Calix and me will be just like them..

That we never change too..

“ok I’ll take him to the nursery..” Cash said

Voice almost breathless..

Can’t blame her.. Calix have that effect on me too..

“no need Ah Ghra.. I’ll take him..” Cashel said

My sister, rude that she is just snorted..

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