Chapter 3 - Fight Against The Lullaby

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And here it is, chapter 3 is out! Sorry if its short!


I couldn't believe it. There she was, grinning wildly at us from above and was not suffering from the poison. Erigor stares in horror and said, "This is not possible. You should be able to move from the poison, not to mention use your magic!" Avery just continues to grin at us. I couldn't help but feel relieved when I saw that she was out and about, but at the same time worried. "Took me a while to figure out what you did Erigor," she floats to my to my side. "You pretty much gave away your little secret during our fight." She turns to me, who is currently stunned, with a big grin plastered on her face. I finally said something, "About time you got here Avery. I was about to beat this guy up into pieces!"


There's the Natsu I know! "You know that a small thing like that doesn't stop a typhoon from blowing away its obstacle!" as I shout that, I prepared myself for battle. Natsu followed in suite. Erigor already had burn marks around his body behind his wind armor, probably from his fight with Natsu, so maybe we still have a chance. "I thought I already beat this guy, but he got back up and used Azul as a hostage!" Natsu explains, glaring at Erigor at the same time. When I took a closer look, I saw tones of injuries all over his body and his fist was already bleeding. "Natsu," he turns his attention to me, "I'll go after Erigor... You go try and free Azul." Natsu stares at me with a surprised look and then protests, "You're crazy Av! You just recovered from the poison! I cannot let my friend do something so reckless! We're nakama!" I just smile at him, and then I launched myself at Erigor.

"Wind dragon's roar!" The battle had commenced. While Erigor tried to block all of my spells, but I would just through another one at him. "Wind Dragon's Rampage!" I lifted my foot up as high as I could, then slam it back down and sent a giant wave of wind towards Erigor. I thought I had got him this once, but then something soon happened. The wind had indeed reach him and then the next thing we knew the spell disappeared. I gaze at Erigor with an intense glare. 'What's going on here!? Erigor should be down by now after all those hard core spells!' Confused, I aimed another spell at Erigor... when it happened. Time froze around me, and only me, making everything stay still in both the sky and ground. The corner of my eye saw that Natsu and the rest were frozen in place, then infront, Erigor was frozen as well but will white in his eyes. 

Laughter filled the air. Except instead of Erigor's usual annoying laugh, it sounded more like a female one, one with the intent to kill.

"Hahaha! I see that you saw through the spell I gave that shinigami! No matter... I can just keep you here until the Lullaby has finished its purpose."


||Few Hours Later||

The fight was intense between Erigor and Avery in Natsu's eyes until the girl suddenly collapses after sending one of her strongest spells. The other may have seemed unaffected from the attact, but his eyes show something different. As the two fell simutaniously, the pink haired boy didn't waste a second to catch Avery from falling. "Av! Avery wake up!" he pleas as he sets her down to the ground. The two felines flew above his head and watched miserably at the sight of the passed out Avery before them. She seems fine when you look at her normally, but to a mages' point of view, this case was serious. Recovering from a dangerous poison, using alot of energy to fly to where he was, and attacking was danger to a wizard's health. Azul lands beside her partner crying. "This is all my fault! I should've stayed like she told me to! Now she's here on Natsu's lap passed out!" cries the pink cat.

Happy pats her back in reassurance, even though he knew his efforts won't help the situation. Natsu, of course, didn't want to take any chances in losing his best friends. So he lifts her from the ground bridal style. Just when he was prepared to leave, the four wheeler happened to go in their direction and stopped right next to Natsu. "Natsu get in!" Erza orders. Natsu was about to ask until her saw the look on the Armor mages' face. It told him, 'You've ignore me for the last time. Now get in.' Immediately, Natsu jumps inside and sat next to Lucy, who was surprised to see Avery was, once again, passed out. "What happened to Avery!?" Gray demands. Natsu spats at him, "It's not like I wanted this to happen Gray! I tried to stop her from doing this!" "Enough!" Erza shouts from the front. She may not act like it, but she was as worried as the ones that were sitting inside the vehicle. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2013 ⏰

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