Chapter 2 - The Hunt for the Lullaby!

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Not long after they arrived at their destination, Oshibana Station, everyone was already charging towards the train station and also trying to get past the huge crowd that was swarming by the minute. I was following them as best as I could, until something had caught my eye. Evil aura was seeping out lf the building and there was one spot that took her interests. Flying towards the area even faster, Happy then saw as to where I was going so he tried to stop me from going. "Azul wait! The others are already making their way to the station," but was already too late to stop me. I snuck into an open window and tried my best to be as quiet as possible. Down below, I saw few men with the marks of Eisenwald on their bodies so I had to be careful. "They mentioned a flute so......" I flew to the other side of the building. After the long wait of seeing who would have the Lullaby, I was about to give up until suddenly appeared with the very thing I was searching for in his hand.

"Is everything prepared?"

"Yes Erigor, but there is a problem."

"And that is...?"

"Fairy Tail has come to interfer with our plan."

"And what is the problem there Kageyama? They are nothing but a stupid guild."

"That's not the problem.... Avery the Typhoon is among them... the 'key' that we all have been trying to avoid."

"I see... then I'll take care of that pest."

'Key...? What do the mean Avery is the 'key'?' Confused,I turned to make my leave until a sudden burst wind surrounds me. It wasn't anywind. Erigor had used his wind magic to trap me, the poor cat. Even though I tried to get out, the wind just slices every bit of her body, like as if a million scissors were slicing my skin. "And it seems that her little feline spy has caught in our conversation," Erigor smirks at how hard I was trying to get out. He brought me down to their level to take a closer look at the spy. "What should we do with a spy like you?" he asks in a amused tone, pulling me closer to his face. He then starts to snicker evily as well as gives a very dark, but happy, face.


I watch as Erza made her futile attempts to ask the workers of what's happening. "What's going on inside?" she asks, then bangs her forehead to the guys before he could give her an answer. She kept this up for a while and it had caused both Gray and Lucy, who was carrying a very weak Natsu, to get frightened at Erza's actions. "She only likes people who answer immediatly, doesn't she?" Lucy quivers in fear. "You know hew better now," Gray answers as scared as Lucy was. I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on, I was actually more worried about Azul then the mission itself. I stared at the ruby in my hand and thought worriedly, 'Azul... you stupid cat. Where are you?' Lucy notices how worried I was so she decided to give me a light pat on the back. "Don't worry Avery, Azul will surely contact you!" her reassurance had really made me slightly happy. Lucy's encouraging smile got me to smile as well.

"You're right Lucy," I put the ruby back into my pocket, "let's go and show those bastards what we're made of."

When the both of us decided to take a look at the armored girl, we both sweat drop at the sight of people lying down on the ground either dead or just passed out. "Everyone let's go inside," those were the orders we all wanted to hear. Throwing the poor guy away, Erza goes on ahead of us, along with Gray by her side. An announcer starts to do a little announcement which gave us good details of what happened earlier. "A military platton went in but they have yet to return," the guy shout from the inter-com."A battle's probably going on inside!" Oh man that person was wrong, we had already entered the building but the whole entire army wad lying all around us as we made our way up the steps. I felt sorry for them, even though I hated the royal army, they didn't deserve this kind of treatment. "Hurry the platform is up ahead!" Gray hollers from ahead, giving us the signal to get prepared to for what lies.

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