Part 2:I'm ready,Promotion\Now or Never\The stolen crown

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(the next day SpongeBob in his bedroom. He turns off his honking foghorn alarm clock.]

SpongeBob: Hooray! Gary,you know what day it is?! runs over to his calendar] Today! Sorry about this calendar. [tears off the calendar page for the day before to reveal "March 7." On the page, it has a picture of the Krusty Krab 2 with rainbows and hearts around it] Because today is the grand-opening ceremony for The Krusty Krab 2 that was built in Radical City. Where Mr. Krabs will announce the new manager.

Gary: Meow.

SpongeBob: Who's it gonna be, Gary? [chuckles to himself] Well, let's ask my wall of 374 consecutive employee-of-the-month awards. [the camera pulls up, revealing many "employee of the month" portraits]

SpongeBob E.O.T.M Awards: SpongeBob SquarePants!

SpongeBob: I'm ready. Promotion. [goes into the walk-in shower, eats soap, inserts a hose in his head, and puffs up until soap comes out. SpongeBob then pulls out paper-like fabric, which he folds into his pants. The back springs off, revealing his rear, which he covers up. He blushes and walks off-screen sideways. Then he brushes his eyes with toothpaste and wipes off the foam] Cleanliness is next to manager-liness. [goes outside and runs around in circles] I'm ready. Promotion. I'm ready. Promotion.

The scene is zooming to Squidward's house, and then cuts to Squidward in his bathroom.]

Squidward: ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum, la da dee, la da doo, la da dum.♪

Squidward and SpongeBob: [in unison] ♪La da dee, la da doo, la da dum, La da d...♪

Squidward: Huh? [notices SpongeBob in the bathtub scrubbing his back]

SpongeBob: ♪, la da doo, la da dum, Bum Bum Bum, Da da da...♪

Squidward: [interrupts him, and covers himself] SpongeBob! What are you doing in here?!

SpongeBob: I have to tell you something, Squidward.

Squidward: Whatever it is, can't it wait until we get to the airport?

SpongeBob: There's no shower at work.

Squidward: What do you want?!

SpongeBob: I just wanted to say I'll be thanking you in my managerial acceptance speech today.

Squidward: [yelling] Get out! [kicks him out the window]

SpongeBob: Okay. I'll see you at the ceremony. [runs into Bumblebee, who comes out of his garage]

Bumblebee: That sounds like the manager of the new Krusty Krab 2. [notices he in his Last Knight design ] Oops. Hold on. [The garage door closes, with Bumblebee in it. Then it opens again with him in his Rise of the beasts design]

 Patrick:Congratulations, buddy.

SpongeBob: Oh, thanks, Patrick. 

Ronnie Anne:And tonight, after SpongeBob's big promotion, we're gonna party till we're purple.

Patrick: I love being purple!

Molly:once SpongeBob gives his promotion,we head to my summer house down the street where the promotion will be hold. They drinks,snacks, videos game and of course, great wifi!

Lori: literally!?

Bumblebee: literally!

SpongeBob: [Notices his watch] we better get going! 

Bumblebee: let's roll!

("Now or never"begin to play as a montage of the ghost friends and a few others characters head to the airport)

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