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Ayaan moved his attention on his sister and called her name, "Sarah".

Sarah and Eliza both looked at Ayaan's direction and Ayaan saw Eliza's face clearly whom his sister Sarah was standing with.

Ayaan eyes widened and he was too stunned and stopped on his track when his eyes met with Eliza's eyes.

On the other side Eliza was also not able to believe is it for real or she is hallucinating that Ayaan really found her. She moved her steps towards Ayaan without even realising.

Sarah was standing there looking at their reactions and was confused too but she decided to go towards her brother too.

Ayaan saw them coming towards him he felt his heart start beating fast although he controlled his sudden nervousness and decided to clear all the misunderstandings that happemd because of his friend.

Eliza and Sarah both went near Ayaan and called him together.

Ayaan asked, "Sarah do you know her?"

Sarah shakes her head in a No and said, "we just met but it seems like you both know each other".

Ayaan said, "okay" (whereas he was avoiding eye contact with Eliza and looking at Sarah).

Eliza asked, "are you guys sibling? you both have same eyes".

Sarah went near Ayaan and held his left arm and Leans her head on it and cheerfully said, "he is my smart big brother 'Al hamdu lillah'.

Eliza, chukled on Sarah's cuteness and then smiles brightly.

(It was silent for a few seconds)

Sarah breaks the silence with a question, "you did not tell me your name yet"
Eliza answers, it's Eliza

(Again it became all silent and awkward).

Eliza sighed and finally asked the questions she was hesitating to ask,
Did you really looked for me?

Sarah realises there is some serious matter and something that she did not know. She slowly leaves her brother's arm and stand still.

Ayaan was thinking and collecting the most appropriate words to not hurt her although he knew his words can be hurtful.

Eliza was waiting for his answer just then Ayaan's mother and his Aunt also arrived there and the 4 of the family members were looking at each other then at Eliza, their eyes were questioning each other, "who is she".

Sarah was the one who speaks up and said, " this is Eliza sister"(gesturing towards Eliza with both of her hands).

Ayaan's mother and aunt smile at Eliza and said, 'As-salamu alaykum' dear.

Eliza humbly replies them, 'Walaikum Assalam'.

Ayaan's mother compliments Eliza saying," 'Masha Allah', kamu indah"( meaning: you are beautiful).

Eliza was just standing there adoring their reactions and togetherness.

Ayaan checks his phone and said, "Mama and aunt you both should go inside the Masjid now it's already 11:30, it will take time to walk there for both of you and me and Sarah will come after having a little chat with Eliza.

Ayaan's mother looked at Eliza and asked her in soft tone, " did you to see and visit the Masjid yet? Want to come with us hmm?

Eliza passes a smile and utters I did not....she hesitated a bit and Ayaan's aunt understood why she is hesitating and she looked at Ayaan's mother and utters, "Aiysha ( Ayaan's mother name) she is not feeling comfortable i think.

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