3. "What Can I Offer?"

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Its been a few days since Kenji had given me his bat, or atleast I hoped that was his intention. He was no where to be seen when I finished my training that day, and so I kept his bat, using it whenever I went back to that training facility, awaiting his visit once more, so I could atleast give it back, or thank him.

I try not to let his words get to me, I know he's upset, I know he's frustrated. He might just be taking It all out on me, and as much as it frustrates the fuck outta me, I cant help but enjoy the attention from the one and only, Kenji, despite the negatives. The bat itself could sell for a lot on ebay too, that could always be a backup plan.

As I enter the facility one morning, I heard popping sounds, like someone popping bubbles at a millionth of its normal volume, only metal oriented. The more steps I take, the louder it grows, until I'm inside, and to my.. not so surprise, it was him


I sat down on the bench, placing my bag down on my lap, holding it there with both my arms gently laying on top, watching him from behind, as he swung, barely missing, the ball hit reaching the net covers until it rolls against it, then drops to the floor once the momentum disappears. Impressive, after all, its Kenji, or maybe I'm just so bad that everything amazes me. Hey, at least I'm self aware

Like the first day, he knew I was there, watching, and chose not to acknowledge my presence as he continued taking swings, breaking a few sweats, his hair growing a bit wet, causing him to huff as he brushed it back with his hands.


He places the rounded end of the bat at the floor once the pitching machine ran out of baseballs to chuck at him, he kept the bat pointed against the ground as he held the handle, turning around to look at me, before letting go, to which the bat falls forward, laying on the floor. He gazed at me, making sure my eyes are glued at his, so its obvious when he looks away, shifting his gaze to the folded small gym towel beside me, nodding at it. I grab it
after placing my bag down on the fake grass beneath the bench, assuming he ordered me.. no, wanted me to get it. I'm no maid, not ordering, no servant.

I walk up to him, handing him the towel to which he aggressively snatches from me and daps dry his face as he closes his eyes, before throwing it around his neck, the ends sticking down from each shoulder, as he gazes at me, frowning

"why do you keep coming back" he spoke after a lingering pause, causing me to take a breath I never knew I was holding, awaiting what statement I was given this time.

"I want to get better" I told him, because I held a bit more shame than to also admit I enjoyed seeing him here.

"despite knowing you're shit?" he asked, and as blunt as it was, it held a little less sarcasm and intent to hurt me, and more so a genuine question.

I nodded, breaking the eye contact, gazing at his bat on the floor, then back at him, nodding once more, a bit more subtle than the previous nods

"im not Kenji Sato" I mumbled, gulping. He remains silent, as if thinking, too intently about my words. Have I spoken wrong?

He nods to himself, gazing to the side, mumbling inaudible words to himself, frustrated as he runs a hand down his face with a groan, his face moving to a glare once his hand is fully down his face, resting at his chin

"atleast give me something that might make it worth it.." He finally let out after a few.. I assumed, inner self argument about whether or not to say that phrase

I tilt my head, a bit confused, then to the side

"worth training you."

I gulp, even more confused, shifting my weight from one foot to the other

"kenji sato..... wants money?" I mumbled, unsure of my own words, a tone almost leaning to a question, because lets be real, moneys the least of that mans concerns. And judging by his frustrated sigh, that probably isn't what he had in mind either

"are you playing innocent, or is your skull that dense?" he muttered with a glare, shifting his arms and crossing them against his chest

that subtle shift of his foot brings him closer to me...

Please drop a vote! It encourages me to continue writing. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and stay tuned for more ♡

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