"Would you keep that mouth shut, or should I just fucking fill it up instead?"
Forced to Retire due to his arm injury, Kenji Sato is back to his argumentative and rude self, frustrated at the outcomes of his decision. Due to an expected meeting, at...
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10:45 PM
After what seemed forever, there was not a single ride they had not gotten on, not a single cafe they didn't try snacks in, not a single prize they haven't won, not a path they didnt walk along. Just as they were about to leave, the park announced the last night act to end the day, yet due to the huge prizes, kenji realised he couldn't really drive his bike back home
Whilst he let Y/N enjoy a few park rides alone and the fireworks show that happens every night in the amusement park, he rode his bike back to instead grab his car
Just as he left, the photographing ban was lifted, announced through the speakers as she walked along the huge crowed paths to the front of the amusement park. Even though she was alone, y/n didn't mind, she just wanted to see the fireworks. She loved them. It gave a subtle feeling of delight, ecstacy.. euphoria. Something so fearfully loud and impactful yet so beautiful
She stood at the back of the crowd, perched on her tiptoes, waiting for the sky show to begin. She pulled out her phone and hit record, switching between looking up at the night sky and her recording screen. People were gathered, talking, and staring up at the night sky with the ferris wheel barely visible.
Her eyes glistened, the dark night sky erupting in loud bangs, colours scattered and thrown across the dark canvas, brightening up the field below, the huge crowds of people all in awe.
The faint cold air blew across her face, sending her hair back as she let out a glowing smile, not really paying much attention to her screen recording, rather enjoying it all with her eyes
Just as the show slowly came to its end, the fireworks lessening but the beauty remains the same, a light tap across her shoulder shifts her attention. It was him
She put her phone away, ending the recording. Without a word from him she still managed to understand that it would be easier to leave now as it'll be too busy once the show ends and everyone leaves at the same time
11:03 PM
"Enjoyed yourself?" He spoke as he drove, y/n in the passenger seat as she looked behind at the huge plushies in the backseat, before gazing back forward at the road.
She nodded, glancing to the side at him. His hood was down now, his mask entirely off as he kept one hand on his thigh. His palm dropping down near his crotch, whilst the other remained on the steering wheel, driving
"Yeah, a good way to apologize when you're shit at using your words hm?" She spoke with a mocking chuckle, gazing out the other window, the fireworks still somewhat in view
"Well, I am forgiven arent I? So quit your complaining." He said with an eyeroll, giving her one brief glance at what she's looking at before gazing back at the road
She simply scoffed, leaning her head to the side against the window, her eyes feeling heavier than usual. She woke up so early this morning, and the activity all done today slowly started showing their impacts on her, their exhausting effects
"Yeah.. I guess" y/n mumbled beneath her breath causing him to glance at her once more then back at the road ahead, before lifting his hand off and pressing the air conditioning button, just subtle cool breeze, before returning his hand back on his thighs
11:36 PM
The car ride was eventually quiet the whole time, he figured she was tired, so for now he decided to wash down his teasing and mocking remarks, not being much of an ass tonight
As he pulled into her apartment's below parking lot, he stopped the car once he parked and turned it off with the rotation of his key, taking them out the steering wheel before gazing to the side at y/n.
She looked so tired, her eyes slowly blinking as she gently turned her head to face him, frowning
"Poor you, so tired hm?" He teased, chuckling briefly as he placed his keys back into his pockets before opening his door and walking out, closing it, then walking to the other side of his car
He opened the passenger door on her side, before reaching over her, one hand at the other side of her seat, his arms almost trapping her in between them as he re-tracked the seat belt back once he unbuckled it, then slowly leaning his head back to properly face her, yet remaining at such position
She gulped, taking a breath as she gazed to the side, before returning to face him. Her lips part slightly before she presses them together once more
"What is it." he spoke after a long pause with a tone surprisingly gentle, yet made no effort to move away, gazing at her as he, too, slowly blinked. Exhausted. He was attempting to lock eyes, but she kept turning her head away and blinking too often to make it happen.
"...Thanks" she let out, her voice barely audible, causing him to grin as he raised an eyebrow
"You're acting so shy over a fucking thanks?" He mocked, chuckling as he sighed, dropping his head down, scoffing as he faced her lap, before slowly gazing back up at her
"Dont look at me like that.. don't thank me.. don't stay any longer in my car. Come on, get out.." he whispered, as if fighting something. Before he slowly leant back once more, creating distance, taking one gruff deep breath
Despite his words, she kept her eyes locked onto his, remaining silent, the only thing leaving her barely parted lips were her audible breaths due to the proximity
"For God's sake.. fuck you" he whispered in a deep and slow tone, glaring down at her
his hand moved off the side of her seat to swiftly brush her hair back behind her ears before he grasped her cheek, stroking his thumb across her skin ever so slowly, holding eye contact, then moving his hand down her flesh, until grasping her throat.
All done so quickly yet felt so slow
His hands firmly gripped her neck as he drew her face closer to his before he closed his eyes and planted a vigorously, heated kiss on her lips. Her eyes widened as she panted into his mouth whilst he used his tongue to force her lips to part and allow him in, guiding her. Kenji slowly begun to breath more heavily as she gradually closed her eyes, before he made muffled noises of grunting into her lips. His other hand went to the chair's compartment level... gradually lowering her seat back.
Please drop a vote and a comment, It encourages me to continue writing and I love hearing your thoughts and opinions! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for more! Make sure to follow me for any announcements or future updates ♡ - New chapters every 1-2 days or less (90% of the time) : please be patient if It takes longer to update as I am still in High School with important year exams coming up