Chapter 11

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Violet *POV*

I woke up by feeling a hand on my waist, I slowly turned my head a little to see Grant sleeping peacefully, he looked so calm and cute. 

"Take a picture babe, it'll last longer" He said smiling as he opened his eye.I just opened my mouth, trying to get words out, but was cut off by my phone ringing.I looked at the phone and saw we're late for school, three frickin' hours, I turned my head back to Grant, opened my eyes even bigger to make him understand, we're late.

 "Grant, WE'RE LATE GET YOUR ASS UP!" I yelled at him as I jumped up from my bed and rushed down, not bothering waiting for Grant to come after me.

 I've never ever been late to school before, maybe just a minute not hours, how did I not wake up from the alarm, and why did we fall asleep, damn it! 

I turned around and saw Grant running after me, trying to catch up with me, as we made it to school.Grant stopped me, before we got into school to take my hand and walk calmly in.We walked to our lockers and got our books and headed to our lesson, we slowly opened our door and was taken by all the students eyes looking at us, in suprise and anger from Samantha and some of her friends.

 The teatcher told us not to be late the next time or it will be detention, for a week. damn, we can't ever get late again, I need to make more alarms on my phone from now on. We sat down on our chairs and listened to the lesson, or atleast I did, I could feel Grants eyes in my back, staring at me. I rolled my eyes and kept listening to the lesson till I heard Samantha whisper to her friends.

 "He frickin' left me for that nerd" She whisper yelled to atleast make me hear it, I quickly grabbed the table and hold it hard, from not breaking out or yell at her. 

 I kept hearing her and her friends saying things about me, not being worth Grant, too ugly for him, or that she'll get revenge and take him back. I felt a tear running down my cheek, I tried to hold eveything in but I couldn't, I don't know how Grant's acting about it all right now, the only thing I knew was that I needed to get away from her as soon as I can and not make Grant see me like this, this broken. I took my books, and ran out of the classroom and heard both Grant and the teacher yell my name, but I kept going, running to the bathroom.

 I slammed the door opened and closed it as fast as I could, if only Grant or Samantha was after me, I locked it and dropped the book on the floor.I went to the mirror, looking at myself, to see my eyes being red and puffy, tears on my cheek rolling down to my jaw, and finally dropping into the sink.

 I kept looking at my sad face, it hurts so much, when she says those things to me, especially when we're in class.I usually fight back, but never in class, I only listen to it and hope that the teacter will hear her, but they never do or act like they don't I don't know.

 Suddenly I hear my phone ringing, I looked at it and hoped it wasn't Grant, being too worried about me.I looked at it and saw that it was this british kid, that I actually knew the name of now.We texted awhile ago and his name is -

 Grant *POV*

 I saw Violet running out of the classroom, with tears? in her eyes, she must have heard the things Samantha said, I heard it to and I just wanted to punch her in the face for saying such things to her, to my nugget, making her cry. 

The teacher and me yelled her name, to make her stop running and turn to us, but she didn't, she kept running out.I jumped out of the chair and ran out, before I did I gave Sam an angry look, telling her to shut the hell up, she just smirked at me, and winked. 

Who the hell does that, like literally omg 

I ran out and stopped, I couldn't see her anywhere but I heard a door slam and guessed she ran to the bathroom, I looked at the way I heard it and ran to her, ran as fast I could, hoping she doesn't cry too much, I hate hearing or seeing her cry, it truly breaks my heart. 

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