Chapter 19

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Grant *POV*

Waking up, changing clothes, eating breakfast, brushing my teeth, go to school, talk a little to Violet, go home, go to bed, wait for Violet, find a plan to save her, go to sleep.

My days is going like this for weeks now, I don't get any idea how to save her from that big evil father to a monster. I can't focus in school or home anymore, all I can think about is Violet, her beautiful shining colorful hair, her white teeth you can see when she smiles even ever she sees me in school. Her fit body, her cute, extremly good looking outfit, even the makeup I've told her she doesn't need cause she is so much beautifuler without it oh don't get me wrong she's beautiful with it too ofcourse.

Whenever she is nervous, she either bite inside her mouth or play with her hands, looks around with her amazing grass, lime green eyes and thoses glasses that just makes her eyes goes out more and make it even more cute.

I just can't get her out of my mind, I need her, I want to be with her forever.

I want to... I want to run away with her.

I frickin' want to run away with her, I'm gonna run away with her. I'm gonna be her hero and save her from that monster, I'm gonna take care of her. All I need is to let her go with it and tell my family about it and just hope for them to support me, right?

I-I can totally do this.

While sitting in my bed in my dark room since it was night and that idea just poped into my brain. I got all exacited about it, and needed to fix it all, plan where to go without having her dad after us, a place we can be both save and happy. We need an apartment, money and new furnitures.

I took up my apple gray silver computer and search for new apartments and good places, safe places.

I was awake for god only knows how long and finally a place that looked awesome for us.

Somewhere near Fontana in California, still in the same state as here atleast, a cute little aparment in a small town outside. Perfect for us, it has 3 rooms, 1 bathroom and a kitchen, just little and perfect for us.

Around 600 dollars once a month for that place. (okay I have no idea how much it usually is in USA so, just change the numbers in your head if its totally wrong and weird xKarro)

The sun started slowly to shine up my room and I kept looking at the computer and drank a cup of coffee to not fall asleep while doing this, I needed to take extra notes and give them to both my parents and Violet.

After a while my phone rang telling me to get up, which I already was but that means I can tell my parents talk to them about and then just start packing and leave to safety.

I walked like a zombie out of my room, downstairs, to the kitchen and sat my butt on one of the chairs infront of my parents.

I slowly growed a smile to them, more like a 'Can-I-tell-you-something-and-you-won't-be-mad' smile.

My father nodded as he drank his black coffee and looked at his phone for news instead of looking in the papers that was literally next to him, waiting to be read.

"I ehm, I wanna rum away with Violet" I said nervously as I scrubbed my neck, looking at the desk, waiting for a reaction. They just nodded, didn't say anything to let me know, I should say more about this whole thing.

"Okay, I want to do it because her father is so mean and ugly against her and her family and I want her safe. I wanna take care of her and keep her safe from him, in a little town just outside Fontana still in California, and live happy with her, I just want her to be safe. Make her feel safe around new people, doesnt need to be scared at every step she takes." I said fast and took a deep breath after, looking at my parents that was amazed by my words and love for her.

"I guess we should help our boy honey" Dad said in his daddy dark yet soft voice and smiled at me as he took moms hand.

"You know darling, it was something like that, that made us live here, dad saved me from my ex-boyfriend that abused me, when I was young and we're gonna help you as much as we can." Mom said smiling big at me, as she now took my hand and we sat there for a while, just enjoying the moment and feeling that they understanded me and let me save her.

All I got to do now is to find a good way to tell Violet that I want to run away with her and I got everything fixed also tell her mother but totally not her father so they can say goodbye and stuff.

A/N: Maybe a short chapter but omg they are my opt, literally his feelings for his nugget is so damn cuteee, also only one chapter left of this book. Thank y'all so damn much for reading, voting and commeting, it means so damn much to me and I almost have frickin' 2,000 readers woaw.

also the last chapter will be a longer one I promiseeee


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