A is for Alien: Your Kiss Is Cosmic (Kellic)

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hey guys!!

so throughout the rest of the summer I'm going to be doing an alphabet AU challenge thing, in which I come up with an AU for every letter of the alphabet and write a one-shot about it. most of these will probably be Kellic but I may try to do some other pairings (I've got a Lynn/Alexa idea, for example) as well. so yeah, for the letter "A" I chose "alien" and I wrote this weird little thing but idk I like it. so yeah this should be fun. also yes I did name this one after a line from "E.T." by Katy Perry bc I couldn't help myself

In June of 2015, Vic is sent to Earth.

It's a fairly difficult process in the beginning, first changing his body so that it looks like a human's, then giving himself a human name, then landing in a subtle manner and forced to find a job in an attempt to blend in more. He needs a house and car, too, but that's not as much of a problem; the spaceship that he used was designed to transform into a fully-functioning two-story house upon arrival in a grassy field, and he's already had a car built that's quite similar to most human vehicles. It's a strange and fascinating planet, with the way that everything is organized, and Vic thinks he could learn to enjoy his mission here, even though he sort of misses his home and also has yet to understand the humans' ideas of sex and gender. Nevertheless, he thinks he has created his human identity quite skillfully—Victor Vincent Fuentes, twenty-four-year-old cisgender male, five foot six (more or less) and of Mexican and Irish descent. Would it be vain to praise himself for studying humans for so long, for shifting his body into one that looks human, for picking up on mannerisms and languages and customs foreign to his planet? Maybe. But that's not going to stop him from doing it.

They're not planning some sort of invasion as many humans would like to believe; they're really not. Vic has been sent here to get a closer and more personal look, to observe the humans from within. They study humans for the same reason that humans study wild animals: to learn more about them, simply because they find them fascinating. They're not planning on an attack and they're not planning on taking over Earth; they've got their own planet already. Besides, the humans would probably cause more chaos than it's worth.

At this point, Vic has been here for approximately five Earth days, but today is his first day at his human job, a run-down pizza parlor that pretty much hired him on the spot because they were so desperate for workers. Vic would be lying if he said he wasn't a little excited; this is where he gets to see humans in their natural habitat (even more so than usual), and he'd also be gathering more info on how places like these are run. He'll admit—humans might be dangerous and unpredictable, but they've done a fairly decent job of designing their world.

He comes in wearing the greasy red shirt that they gave him as his uniform, smiling in a way that he hopes looks friendly and approachable. A man by the name of Ray (his "boss") nods at him and motions for him to come over, leading him into the back area and proceeding to introduce him to other workers and explain to him what it is that he's supposed to do—he's signed up to be a driver delivering pizzas around town. "Kellin!" Ray then calls.

A few seconds later, a small, bouncy young man with dark, wavy hair pops up at his side. "What? Is this about the new guy?"

"Yep." Ray gestures to Vic. "You're training him today. Don't scare him off."

"I won't," Kellin replies as Ray walks away. Then he turns to Vic. "Pro tip: don't eat too much of the pizza, even if you can. You'll get sick of it pretty quickly."

With that, Kellin takes Vic around the place at first, explaining how the technology and deliveries work. Vic normally wouldn't pay as much attention as he does—he's pretty sure he'd be able to figure most of it out on his own anyway—but Kellin is oddly fascinating, even more than humans usually are. He's energetic and talks fast, capturing attention no matter what comes out of his mouth. He's probably very well-liked.

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