6. Next of Kin

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For the first time in today's school run, Cassandra walked through the school with her head high and determination on her face. A few students moved out of her way, sensing something was going on.

Stu. It had to be that playboy fuck.

She walks straight out of the doors and heads for the spot in which Stu, Billy, Tatum, and Randy are sitting. They always sat here- she didn't question where Sidney was because she was so upset.

"Hey, Cassandra," Tatum Riley greets with a smile that soon fades upon reading Cassandra's expression.

Blinded by pure rage, Cassandra picks up the drink beside Billy and splashes it in Stu Macher's face.

"Holy shit!" Randy chirps, leaning away from the splash zone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Stu nearly screams, standing up and wiping his face. "Fucking Cherry Coke?"

Tatum also stands and steps back, wiping her arm in case any of the drink got on her.

"I know what you did!" Cassandra screams. "And I swear to god, Stu-Meat, you'll be fucking dead meat when this is over!"

A crowd of students had gathered around now, watching the spectacle with gaped eyes and mouths.

"What?" Stu asks, enraged by the audacity.

"Casey!" Cassandra shouts. "You couldn't stand to see her happy with a guy that actually gives a shit about her! You and your limp dick couldn't handle the sight of her happy!"

Tatum steps forward, easing her boyfriend behind her. "Cass, I understand that you're going through a lot, but you really need to back off."

"Or, what?" Cassandra challenges, bowing up to Tatum. She's ready for a fight now.

Tatum was originally trying to be courteous. She was there for Sidney when Sidney lost her mother. She understands that people grieving is a slippery slope. But.. there's only so much that a girl can take.

"Whoa," Randy comments to the side.

"I'm telling you now, step back," Tatum demands Cassandra, anger now evident in her voice from the threat.

"Did you have a hand in it?" Cassandra asks. "Some jealousy thing that Casey didn't want your freak boyfriend?"

"Cass," Billy calls, poking his arm between the girls. "That's enough."

"You think I helped kill Casey?" Tatum clarifies, an incredulous scoff in her voice.

"You're little boyfriend sure did!"

"Cass!" Billy shouts, pulling her back. "Stop it!"

"Let me go, Billy!" Cassandra snaps, wriggling in his grasp. "That fucker killed my best friend!"

"You're not thinking straight!" Billy argues.

He's far too strong for her to escape. He pulls her away from the scene and toward the football field. Tatum, still annoyed, ditches Stu and Randy to go find Sidney. Meanwhile, Randy teases Stu about the soaking wet clothes he now has.

"Let go!" Cassandra demands, finally ripping herself free from Billy.

She paces a few steps, running her hands through her hair as she tries to calm down.

"That was some show," Billy scoffs.

"Why are you defending him?" she asks.

"I'm not," Billy says. "But accusing Stu without proof won't bring Casey back. You need to calm down and think this through. To everyone else, you just look like someone with anger problems. That's gonna make you look suspicious."

Cassandra's shoulders sag, the fight draining out of her. "I don't know what to think anymore. It's all just too much."

"I know. But we need to be smart about this. We'll figure it out."

She looks up at him, searching his eyes for any sign of deception, or even concern. But, per usual, his eyes were empty. "'We'? Why are you helping me?"

"Because I care," Billy says, simple and easy. "And I don't want to see you get hurt."

"Thanks, Billy."

"Anytime," he says, giving her shoulder a reassuring squeeze. "Now, let's get you out of here before Tatum comes looking for round two."

"For the record, I could easily take Tatum on."

"She's got a killer strike from volleyball."

Cassandra gives him a look.

"Bad choice of wording," he admits. "Sorry."

She sighs and places her head in her hand, rubbing at the headache.

"You really think Stu did it?" Billy asks, breaking the silence.

"I don't know what to think anymore. He has a motive, and he's a complete asshole. He knows her house. Her number. He knows Steve."

Billy nods thoughtfully. "You might be right. But you need to be careful. If you go around accusing people without proof, you'll just make enemies. With some killer on the loose, that's the last thing you need."

Cassandra couldn't help but notice how Billy stayed close, almost protectively. It was strange, this new dynamic between them. She had never really thought of Billy as someone she could rely on, but maybe things were changing.

"You want me to grab your books again?" he asks.

"No. I'm.. fuck this this place," she decides. "I'm skipping."


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