28: Girls! Girls! Girls!

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Cassandra slipped back to the house through the back, her heart still pounding from the emotional conversation with Gale. The muffled sound of music grew louder as she walked over to the garage. It opened just a bit and Cassandra thought someone saw her coming. She bent down and entered the dimly lit space. Tatum shrieks in surprise, only causing Cassandra to also flinch.

Tatum rested a hand on her chest to calm her heart. "Hey, Cass! Took a detour?"

Cassandra forced a small smile in return, trying to shake off the tension clinging to her. "Yeah, just needed some air."

Tatum straightened up. She walked over to the fridge. "Stu told me he brought you to the party. I'm glad you guys are hanging out. I know things have been weird between us since, well... everything."

Cassandra's smile softened, a flicker of warmth breaking through her anxiety. "It's nice, you know? To just forget about all the drama for a bit. I'm glad we're getting along."

Tatum nodded, her expression earnest. "I hope we can put all that stuff behind us and just be friends. After all this is over, we should have a girls' night. Me, you, Sidney.. the holy trinity of survivors, you know?"

"I'd really like that," Cassandra admitted, feeling a hint of something she hasn't felt since Casey died.

Tatum's smile turned into a playful smirk. "But seriously, what's up with Gale Weathers being here? Did she just crash the party? I get we're kind of allies, but come on!"

Cassandra hesitated, glancing down at the floor. "Actually, I invited her."

Tatum raised an eyebrow, surprised. "You? Invited Gale Weathers? The same Gale Weathers who wrote that book on Sidney's mom? To the party we're supposed to forget about all the drama?"

Cassandra nodded, her voice low. "I'm worried about Billy. He said he'd meet me here, but he hasn't shown up. I thought maybe she could help."

Tatum's expression softened, her playful demeanor fading. "Why are you worried about Billy? Is something going on?"

Cassandra bit her lip, unsure of how much to reveal. "It's complicated. I'll explain later, I promise."

Tatum studied her for a moment before nodding. "Okay. Just.. be careful, Cass. There's been enough craziness around here lately."

"I will," Cassandra assured her, feeling a lump form in her throat. She hated keeping things from Tatum, but she didn't want to drag her into the nightmare that was unfolding.

Tatum offered her one of the beers with a smile. "Here, take one. It'll help you relax."

Cassandra hesitated. Beer just reminded her of her father. But, she didn't want to seem more awkward than she already was, so she took the bottle with a smile of her own.

"I'll see you out there, tell Stu that beer will be brought soon," Tatum giggled.

Cassandra nodded before slipping out of the garage and into the kitchen. The party was in full swing, with people chatting, laughing, and dancing in every corner of the house. As she made her way through the crowd, her eyes landed on Randy and Sidney, sitting close together on the couch, their heads bent in conversation.

She couldn't help but notice the way Randy looked at Sidney, his eyes filled with admiration as they talked about horror movies. "Jamie Lee Curtis is the ultimate scream queen," Randy was saying, gesturing animatedly. "She's been in some of the best horror movies of all time."

Sidney laughed softly, clearly amused by his enthusiasm. "I'll take your word for it, Randy. I think you just like Jamie more than the movies she's in."

Nearby, Gale stood with Dewey, her expression more relaxed as they shared a light-hearted conversation with other party attendees. But Cassandra couldn't shake the tension that still gripped her. Her gaze flicked back to Randy, who was now getting up from the couch.

"I need to get a camera," Randy said, half to himself, half to Sidney. "I can't believe The Gale Weathers is here. This is prime footage material."

Cassandra's stomach twisted with unease as she watched him walk toward the stairs. The suspicion that had been gnawing at her since the beginning resurfaced, stronger than ever. Randy was acting too calm, too collected. He seemed to be enjoying the chaos a little too much.

Without thinking, Cassandra followed him, keeping a safe distance as they made their way upstairs. The noise of the party faded as they ascended, the hallway growing quieter with each step. Randy didn't seem to notice her trailing behind him as he opened the door to Stu's bedroom and stepped inside.

Cassandra hesitated for a moment before slipping in after him, the door creaking slightly as it closed. The room was dimly lit, with posters plastered on the walls and a mess of clothes and books scattered across the floor. Randy was rummaging through a drawer, seemingly oblivious to her presence.

She took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. Her suspicion boiled over, and before she could stop herself, she spoke up. "What are you doing, Randy?"

Randy jumped, startled by her sudden appearance. He turned to face her, a look of confusion mixed with annoyance on his face. "Cassandra, what the hell? You scared the crap out of me!"

Cassandra crossed her arms, her eyes narrowing. "You can't just go off on your own like that. Especially in Stu's house. That was super suspicious. Why do you need a camera?"

Randy blinked, clearly taken aback by her tone. "For the party! It's not every day you have someone like Gale Weathers at a high school rager. It's all in good fun, Cass. I walk out of a room and now you're pointing the finger at me? Can I do anything without you jumping down my throat?"

But Cassandra wasn't convinced.  "Are you sure that's all it is?"

Randy frowned, his expression shifting to one of concern. "What's going on with you? You're acting paranoid."

"Maybe because there's a masked killer on the loose? Are you dense?" she scoffed.

"And you think the killer is me? News flash, Cass, I wasn't the killer earlier and I'm not the killer now."

"So, you still think it's Billy?"

"He's visibly not at the party. He's probably off carving up some other kid from science class."

Cassandra rolled her eyes. "Why are you so convinced it's him?"

"Why are you so convinced it's not him?" Randy fired back, catching Cassandra off guard.

She hesitated to speak and Randy jumped on the chance.

"I told you. He's a liar. You can't trust him."

Cassandra took a step closer to Randy. With no one else in the room, they could talk all they wanted.

"Randy, if there's something you're not telling me.." Cassandra trailed off.

Randy looked up at her. He looked sad. But, he nodded. "Yeah. There's something you should know."


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