37: Stab 5

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- Thirteen Years Later -

The morning sun streamed through the kitchen windows, casting a warm, golden hue over the cozy room. The scent of freshly brewed coffee and sizzling bacon filled the air as Christina Carpenter moved gracefully around the kitchen, setting plates and utensils on the table adorned with colorful birthday decorations. Balloons floated lazily near the ceiling, and a large banner reading "Happy 12th Birthday, Sam!" hung proudly above the dining area.

On the countertop, seven-year-old Tara Carpenter sat swinging her legs, her dark curls bouncing as she giggled at the funny faces her father, Kurt, made while expertly flipping pancakes on the stove.

"Look, Daddy! That one looks like a bunny!" Tara exclaimed, pointing at a particularly misshapen pancake.

Kurt grinned, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief. "Well, Miss Tara, this is a special birthday breakfast. Bunnies, hearts, stars—you name it, Chef Kurt can make it."

Christina laughed softly as she poured orange juice into glasses. "Careful. With promises like that, she'll have you making the entire zoo next."

Tara clapped her hands excitedly. "Ooh! Can you make a giraffe, Daddy?"

Kurt feigned a thoughtful expression, tapping the spatula against his chin. "A giraffe, huh? That might be tricky, but for my little princess, I'll give it a shot."

As Kurt attempted the ambitious giraffe pancake, footsteps sounded down the hallway. Samantha, still in her pajamas with her long dark hair tousled from sleep, entered the kitchen rubbing her eyes.

"Morning, birthday girl!" Christina greeted her eldest daughter with a bright smile, opening her arms for a hug.

Sam smiled sleepily, walking into her mother's embrace. "Morning, Mama."

Kurt turned around, holding up a plate stacked high with pancakes. "And a very happy birthday to you, Sam! Look what we've got here—freshly made animal pancakes, courtesy of yours truly and sous-chef Tara."

Tara beamed proudly. "I helped crack the eggs!"

Sam chuckled, ruffling her little sister's hair affectionately. "Thanks, munchkin. You're the best egg cracker in town."

Tara giggled and stuck her tongue out playfully. "I know!"

Christina guided Sam to her seat at the table, the morning light highlighting the joy in her eyes. "Sit down, sweetheart. We've got a birthday feast ready for you."

As the family settled around the table, Kurt began serving the pancakes, placing the attempted giraffe in front of Tara. The pancake bore a vague resemblance to the animal, with a long neck and two uneven blobs for ears.

Tara's eyes widened in delight. "It's perfect!"

Kurt laughed, shaking his head. "Well, it's something, that's for sure."

They all began to eat, the room filled with the comforting sounds of clinking cutlery and happy chatter. After a few minutes, Sam looked up from her plate, a hint of excitement in her eyes.

"Mom, Dad, is it okay if I go to the movies with some friends later today? They want to take me out for my birthday."

Christina wiped her mouth with a napkin before responding, her voice warm. "Of course, sweetheart. Which movie are you planning to see?"

Sam hesitated for a moment, glancing between her parents. "Well.. they want to see 'Stab 5'. Is that okay?"

The mention of the movie title caused a brief pause at the table. Christina and Kurt exchanged a quick, knowing look, a silent conversation passing between them. Christina's smile faltered ever so slightly, but she quickly recovered, not wanting to dampen her daughter's enthusiasm.

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