Your messed up mind and hair

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Porchay finally decides to move on from Kim and his best friend decided to set him up on a blind date. But, Kim has different plans. He does everything to not let Porchay go on this blind date.

 He does everything to not let Porchay go on this blind date

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Porchay was just like any other teenager. Having crushes, surfing Pinterest, and finding one's aesthetic, waiting to turn 18 to try his first drink. His first crush was an artist, but the catch is that apparently, his big brother was dating the artist's big brother.

Who was 'this artist you ask? Kim Han Theerapayankul.

That's how they met, through their bothers relationship and Kim was kind enough to teach Porchay how to play guitar and make a song. It's already been six months and he already turned 18 he told his best friend about his little crush. He tried many ways to know if Kim liked him back or not but nothing worked with 'stoic, hot and sexy motherfucker Kimhan' he even tried to seduce Kim a little at the request of his best friend who said

"Seducing is the only way to take down men like Kim"

Porchay knew Kim was involved with the work his family worked but he was not that active. Porchay got the idea Kim did not like it a bit but he never really brought that up because he himself wanted his brother to let go of everything related to blood, gun, and any dirty business but he seemed too happy so Porchay let him be. It did not mean he was okay with it.

Anyways, yes so Porchay tried seducing if he did not he could have never know he was good at it actually.

"Phi, I am here" Porchay chided

"Come on, I brought what you asked for" Kim smiled at him, and patted the space beside him.

Porchay sat a little too close to him. Kim did not seem to mind it because he was busy finding a sheet. When he found it he showed it to Porchay.

"Here! Now, try playing it" Porchay nodded at him and finally put his hand on Kim's thigh, and started moving it up and down a little.

"P'Kim play it for me first" Kim looked at his hand, Porchay nearly snatched his hand back because he thought he made Kim uncomfortable but Kim smiled at him.

Did he smile at him?

"Okay, little one" Kim ruffled his hair, Porchay liked it he really did but it always gave him the vibe 'You are like my little brother' he did not want to be a little brother to Kim. He wanted Kim to see him as a man finally when he already was 18!

You guessed it right, it did not work. What did his best friend say again?

"Seducing is the only way to take down men like Kim"

Oh, fuck it! Nothing can break a cold prince. Porchay did not try anything like that again. He gave up. Kim was too nice and sweet to him, always making sure Porchay did not get sad because he could not hit the right chord or a note, encouraging him. Making sure he wore the seatbelt whenever Kim gave him the ride. Making sure to bring Porchay's favorite dessert whenever he was down because he could not top his class. These small things got on Porchay's nerves because all those things told him 'He likes you' but oh how wrong he was. Kim did all those because he thought of him as a little brother right? Life was unfair!

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