Can you make me a coffee too, one day?

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Part 1

Where Kim goes to his comfort bar and find a young boy working there. He thought of playing a bit but did not know he was getting into a hole. A hole of love and adoration.

Sometimes Kim wondered if he could go back and choose his destiny of being born in a normal family

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Sometimes Kim wondered if he could go back and choose his destiny of being born in a normal family. But that's not how life works. It will never go like you want to sure sometimes but not every single time.
He scoffed everytime his friends wished to be born in a rich family like him. His friends did not know what was behind the curtains and he don't want them to know either.

He chose his escape, music. When he was about ten years old. He learnt playing piano from his mother and he was glad. So people around him or on internet thought he is a normal musician who is good looking as fuck and talented. He did not mind it was easier to live like this.

Today, he was overthinking things again. He decided to visit his comfort bar which was small and cozy and no one really knew him there. He could be himself there.

When Kim entered his eyes quickly landed on the bar counter at which he drank whenever he visited. There was a VIP  counter too but he preferred here. It was much better. He frowned his eyebrows when he saw a boy making a drink and serving to a customer who immediately went for dance floor after taking it.

That boy seemed so young actually too young to work here. Is it even allowed?

"Do you not go to school?" Kim asked while taking a seat

The boy made a very odd face probably judging Kim for his question. I mean are not people supposed to order first?

"Are you drunk, mister?" The boy said politely

"Uhm I just arrived here?" Kim do not know what just gotten into him but he wanted to tease him a bit

"What would you like to have?" Boy asked, not wanting to continue this discussion which sparked something in Kim.

"Isn't it illegal to work in a bar when you are underaged?"

"Sir..." the boy paused for a min to maintain his politeness which only made Kim smirk internally "I am 20, I may look like 16 or 17 and you are not the only one who got it all wrong. Just..please what would you like to order?" The boy seemed so done at this point

"Oh" Kim only made an O with his mouth "Sebastian sparkle" Kim finally ordered

"Please wait a minute" The boy turned around to grab the ingredients he needs from the shelf and started the process

Kim watched him attentively, the way his hands were working it was clear that he seemed experienced with this.

"Did any of your family member work in a bar before?" Kim questioned

The boy paused for a sec "Not every doctor's parents are doctor" and continued with his task.

Kim wanted to laugh, the boy was smart as well as sarcastic.

"I guess no then" Kim said while controlling his laugh "What was your inspiration to become a bartender?" The boy slide the drink towards Kim

"Sir, are you perhaps making fun of me?" The boy looked directly into Kim' eyes.

"WHAT?! No..I am sorry if it came out that way" Kim apologized quickly to dust off any misunderstanding

"Good then" With that he turned around again to arrange the glasses.

Kim sipped on his drink quietly thinking what he should say next to make the atmosphere light. He did not even know why was he even doing this.

"I am a culinary student, we specifically learn to be a barista but they also taught bartending there and also some other skills so that we can pick the favourite in the next semester" The boy said

"Ah..did you choose?" Kim asked cautionly

"Barista" The boy simple replied turned around to face Kim

"Why don't you work in coffee shops then?" Kim put down his empty glass

"This pays well" The boy shrugged

"I see, Can I have another one?"

"The Same?" The boy asked

"Any recommendations?" Kim arched his eyebrow

"Sebastian's wife?" The boy smiled brightly

"What!" Kim started laughing sure he heard many weird names of drinks but not like this one

The boy smile dropped, Kim noticed he closed his mouth
"I am s-

"Haha it's fine" The boy started laughing again, Kim let out a sigh of relief
"So should I make it for you?" The boy looked at him, dimples full of display

"Yes please" Kim's heart skipped a beat. This boy was adorable. His big pretty eyes full of warmth and smile put him at ease he still don't know why and he is not caring about that anyway.

After the boy was done making it. He slides it in front of Kim like he did last time but this was different he kept his eyes on Kim probably encouraging him to drink and let him know how he like it

So Kim took a sip. He paused and moved his eyes left and right

"Woah!" Kim nearly shouted

"Right?! It's amazing" The boy jumped with happiness. The sight Kim wanted to save.

"It is, thank you uh.." Kim looked deeply into the boy's eyes.
"Porchay" The boy whispered and blushed

"Porchay..Thanks" Kim's hands almost shivered and he felt like the drink he was holding the drink Porchay recommended will slip out of his hands.

Porchay gave him a small smile and went back to do his chorus but Kim kept looking at his back. Porchay was....lovely...he was...pretty.

"Porchay" Kim wanted to keep saying his name. It was beautiful

"Yes?" Porchay turned on his heels

"Kim, Kimhan nice to meet you" He extended his hand for Porchay to shake.

Porchay looked down at his hand and tried to supress his smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kim" Porchay slowly got hold of Kim's hand and shook it lightly.

His hand was warm and soft. Made Kim crazy about all this.

Porchay slowly pulled his hand back but Kim wanted to hold it a little bit more of course he did not show it so he pulled his hand back too.

"Would you mind making me a coffee too one day?" Kim shot Porchay's eyes widened.

"Or before that we can go on a date maybe?" Kim smiled big. If Porchay's eyes could widen a bit more they would probably do that.

To be continued

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