|48| The few more months

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As soon as we left LA and came back to New York city the chaos started

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As soon as we left LA and came back to New York city the chaos started. Without me knowing my mother had booked about ten different campaigns that I obviously couldn't back down from because "this will do wonders to your career Gigi", "all these new brands, think about your portfolio, Gigi", "come on Gigi, you can't say no", Gigi Gigi Gigi. I was going to rip my ears out.

I should have stayed in LA with Miles and never come back.

But that's not it, there's worse, there's always worse when it comes to my mother. The moment I told her me and William were "together" she also started plotting my whole relationship. Arranging dates, calling paparazzi, begging me to post more pictures on social media of me and William. It's a fucking nightmare. I feel like I am on constant fight or flight mode and my anxiety has skyrocketed. Those dumb pills won't do shit anymore and I'm trying so hard not to take more than I should, I really am but it's getting harder and harder everyday...

If it wasn't for Miles, I swear I would have lost my mind by now. He hasn't left my side for the last three weeks, no matter how hard this has been for him, because I can tell it hasn't been easy for him either. All the times I had to go out with William, the pictures in the gossip magazines, the articles. I have noticed he barely looks at his phone anymore, at least whenever we are together when we aren't working he either leaves it by the door and only takes it when he goes back to his apartment on never looks at it. I'm sure he has seen the articles and pictures anyway but he hasn't said anything about them.

Having him next door has become one of the best ideas my mother could have had. Since she still appears whenever she wants every time Miles is around and she calls — I have finally convinced her of at least calling before coming into the apartment — he only has to make his way to the other side of the hallway and then when my mother leaves he comes back. We spend almost every hour of the day together and when we aren't together I crave his presence like crazy.

"Gianna! I have got it." Miles called out from the kitchen. Talk about the devil and the devil shall appear.

"No way, are you serious?" I practically run out of my room, in nothing but the shirt he left here some days ago. I have been sleeping in it every night since then, haven't even washed it yet because it still smells a little like him.

"For you. Enjoy it." He says, handing me bagel.

I have been meaning to try this new bagel place that opened down the street for a week, but they are always sold out. Some actress talked about them and now the lines are always a mile long. I could go there myself and probably get them if I text the place beforehand but it feels wrong so I asked Miles. And despite my telling him he could give up on day two, he had been trying for a week.

"You are my hero." I say, giving him a quick kiss and then snatching the bagel away.

"Worth it just to see that smile." He walks to me and softly kisses my forehead.

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