Chapter 3

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Jujutsu tech is quiet around this hour. It's not incredibly late, but it's not early either. Just outside the shoji doors of the common area is a bench. A bench that currently sits two.

"I'm surprised you're not with Y/N."

It's rather still tonight. The leaves of the trees don't sway. The water of the river barely ripples. Nothing occupies the sky but a waning crescent that tells us the new moon is near.

"Hm?" Gojo gives his friend a questioning hum. His legs are stretched out and crossed at the ankles. The man buries his hands into his pockets as he sits next to Geto, who is man-spreading beside him.

Geto's eyes glance over at the white-haired sorcerer. He adjusts himself in his seat before he speaks, "Well, you're always with her."

"I think you mean, she's always with me.~" Gojo smirks as he corrects his friend. He looks over the dark round sunglasses that sit on the lowest part of his nose. His eyes stare at the moons reflection on the body of water, "Who can blame her though?~"

It's not that Gojo Satoru purposely sought out your company. It's just that you were always the only one available (and well, you guys are long time besties). Geto, these days, is always away on work orders. Shoko is equally as busy; being the only one who mastered reverse curse technique, she tended to all the jujutsu sorcerer's wounds around the clock. It's also a shame that Nanami Kento refuses to come back to the jujutsu world. And Utahime? She just couldn't tolerate Gojo for an extended period of time.

Geto lets out a chuckle, he's more than accustomed to Gojo's sense of humor, "Where is she anyway?"

"Girls night."

"Ah, Mei Mei's birthday." Geto nods, he vaguely remembers Shoko mentioning something to him earlier about this. He makes a face when his mind crosses something, "I'm surprised she went."

Both Geto and Gojo knew you weren't a fan of Mei Mei. Mostly due to her greed and selfishness. Her sense of character is one you weren't fond of. Although it may seem as if Gojo isn't one to think too deeply into people, he does. He just doesn't show it. Like others, he too keeps his emotions at bay and even most people at arms reach. All the white-hair sorcerer habitually exhibits (when he's not being silly) is his business sense; anything within reason to get the job done. Which is why he had no issues paying Mei Mei for work as she's an independent sorcerer. But that's all she was good for in his eyes.

Gojo lifts his shoulders into a slight shrug. You would have likely stayed at jujutsu tech if Shoko hadn't pestered you into tagging along. Gojo brings his hands out of his pockets. He crosses his arms behind his head and arches his back for a nice stretch. He then twists his body from side to side and says, "She would have had way more loads of fun with me if she stayed."

The man's bored and he's going to boast about himself of course.

"Don't forget I'm here too." It's a rare occasion but the long-hair is here and he normally never is, "She could have been having fun with me also."

Gojo puckers his lips. He tries not to make it too obvious. The laugh was hard to stifle. He does a soft whisper beneath his breath at the idea of how that could sound incredibly suggestive. And that suggestion would have been something you would have not been against, "She sure would have..."

"What did you say?" Geto couldn't hear. Gojo's speaking much too quietly.

"Oh, nothing!~" the white-hair grins then he sighs and checks the time on his phone.

Mamori Tai 守りたい ⋮ Gojo SatoruWhere stories live. Discover now