Morning Sunshine

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Cheep cheep, cherp cherp; that sound made me reach for my phone to shut off the alarm. Only problem was I couldn't move.

I was trapped under a very large snoring Brantley. Plus I couldn't reach the night stand.

Fully opening my eyes I realize theirs not way in hell I can reach the night stand since its in the bedroom and we're still out by the pond. Great I'm probably covered in mosquito and chigger bites.

Brantley I say softly shaking his shoulder. Mmmm is the only response I get. Babe wake up lets go inside I say shaking him a little harder. What? We're in bed he says still half asleep. I giggle at him and he half opens one eye.

What the.... he says finally opening both eyes. I can see it registering, by the look on his face, that were still out doors. Damn guess we set the bar pretty high last night baby girl. He tells me his voice still groggy from waking up.

Rolling on his back he pulled me with him making me laugh. You could say that I tell him rubbing his chest and kissing his neck. Now you keep that up and round two will take place out doors and I'd much rather go make that bed ours.

His words took a minute for my brain to process. Ours? Ours as in that bed belongs to both of us? He can see the confusion on my face and pulls me from my thought with a kiss on my hand. Yes I ment everything that just flew through that pretty head of yours. Our bed meaning our bed room, in our house. I know it sounds crazy baby but I fell in love with you the second I saw ya and it feels like I've known ya my whole life. No denying were ment for one another beautiful.

His words made me tear up. I couldn't tell ya exactly when but this man stole my heart and I wouldn't want it any other way. I love you too Brantley, and I don't want to be anywhere else. I explain kissing him with all I have.

When the need for air finally wins we stop kissing and I can't help but grin like a fool. Here I thought I was just getting anew job and a new place to live and I end up with this man. What's that loom all about darlin B asked pulling on a pair of sweats.

Just how lucky I am I answer looking for my cloths. Um babe. B says pointing to the pond. I hope you didn't like those cloths to much cuz they look ruined.

They were a muddy torn mess thanks to some muskrat using them for part of a home. B chuckled at my pissed off expression. Here take my shirt and head to the house. Hop in the bath. I'll ne right behind ya once I load these blankets up.

Sliding into the tub I turned the jets on to sooth my back. I must have been in la la land, because I never heard B come in the house, let alone the bathroom. I just happened to look up and he was sitting on the sink watching me.

You look lonely baby. Want some company? He asked as he pitched his sweats in the hamper and.slid in behind me. This was going to be a great day.

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