idea 2 elaborated (draft of intro)

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2.   A omega type girl, house servant of the pack. Mates to visiting alpha. Her alpha tells her that although it is a surprise you must be his mate in order to please him in every way. So she is obedient and almost her mates housemade. But he doesn't want that, he wants to show her that she is worthy of love and worthy of being his mate. He wants her to love him instead of just being dutiful to him. When he heals her with his love, her true personality comes out.

"Mary! Get over here!" called Alpha Kevin. I looked up from the pots and pans I was cleaning to see that one of the Alpha's toddlers had spilled his entire plate on the floor, again. I internally groaned and quickly grabbed a couple of rags to clean up the mess. Meanwhile the Alpha's flustered mate Susan refilled the boy's plate. After I had cleaned the floor, I paused for a moment pondering if I should just stay there and wait for one of the toddlers to throw their food, which is bound to happen again shortly. I don't blame the little twin boys, they were well into their "terrible twos" as they call it and were always fussing about something. I scurried back to the sink to finish cleaning up, I didn't want to disappoint the Alpha by not completing my duties.

Alpha Kevin, Luna Susan, and their two boys Will and Henry were good people. They really were. The Alpha was fair and traditional, he demanded respect as was rightfully due to him for being our pack's leader and protector. He was never cruel or egotistical, and the pack respected him greatly. Our pack valued formalities and tradition. Which turned out to be a good thing for me.

Five years ago when I was 13 my parents died by a rogue attack while they were out on a run. My father was a handyman for the pack and my mother was a cook for the pack. They had no wealth to pass on to me since we lived off of the salaries they both earned from the pack and we lived in the pack house. With them gone, I had no money or qualification for living in the pack house.  The Alpha had a right to throw me out of the pack house for not being able to contribute to the pack, but thankfully Alpha Kevin believed that a pack should never turn its back on a pack member. He graciously offered me the job of cleaning up around the pack house, so that I could continue living there and earn a small salary. I couldn't be more thankful, without this job I'd be out on the streets and probably have to become a rogue just to survive.

So really I have nothing to complain about. Life is good. I have a roof over my head, food to eat, and some money to buy me the necessities. Except...spending five years being the house maid has made me sort of invisible. I clean up after everybody, but no one really talks to me or notices I'm there. The pack was really comforting at first when my parents died, but slowly everyone drifted away. They had their own lives to worry about, they didn't have time to worry about me and my problems. I admit, because of my grief, I had become more closed off, much less talkative and friendly than I used to be with people. No one really stuck around long enough to get me out of my shell; those that tried gave up quickly when they didn't see any change any time soon. I do miss the old me, the carefree and happy version of me that I used to be, but it's so hard to feel "normal" again after you lose both your parents. Even after the grief and sadness faded away, it was hard to know what normal was. I guess this is my new normal.

Other kids in the pack my age, they look forward to going off to college or taking on an apprenticeship or finding their mates and moving away. They look forward to starting their lives now that they are all grown up. For me I had to become a grown up soon after my parents passed and I was left on my own. To me, this is my life now. I don't have the money to go to college or any connections to get an apprenticeship and I'm not really optimistic that I'll find a mate since I don't leave the house much. Besides, no one deserves a mate like me. I'm just a waste of space really. My only skills are cleaning and organizing. I don't really have a personality, I'm just a shell of a human being. I'm closed off, quiet, shy, etc. You get the point. I'm just not mate material you know.

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