Chapter 4 :- Everything is over

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Scene 1: Master plan of chirag

The decorated living room of the Kapoor mansion glowed warmly under the evening lights. Mr. Kapoor, sat behind his grand desk. Chirag, dressed in a dark suit, entered casually and sat on one of the plush leather chairs, his eyes fixed on Mr. Kapoor.


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"Mr. Kapoor," Chirag began smoothly, "I've come to express my concern about your daughter's new bf Aarav. I've heard whispers around town that he's not as noble as he seems. They say he's only after Shanaya for her family's wealth."

Mr. Kapoor's sharp eyes narrowed as he leaned forward. "You make serious allegations Why should I believe you?".

Chirag with smile , his green eyes with hidden motives. "I have my sources. It's always wise to be cautious about who you allow into your family's inner circle. I'm just advising you to investigate it ."

Mr. Kapoor's eyes was penetrating as he processed Chirag's words. "I appreciate your concern. Rest assured, I'll look into this matter but may I know who you are "
" Me? Assume me as your daughters well wisher" Said chirag, and left the mansion, a faint smirk on his lips. He had planted the seeds of doubt, and now it was only a matter of time before they would bear fruit.

Scene 2: Darkest turn

The moon was casting glow over Aarav's apartment. He was having dinner when the doorbell rang, echoing through the quiet room. Opening the door, Aarav found Mr.Kapoor and Chirag waiting.

"Aarav," Mr. Kapoor said firmly, stepping inside. "I want to have a word with you."

They settled in the living room, the atmosphere was filled with tension. Mr. Kapoor's eyes were scanning Aarav, while Aarav remained calm and nervous

 Kapoor's eyes were scanning Aarav, while Aarav remained calm and nervous

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"Mr. Kapoor," Aarav began, "I know why you are here but I assure you, my intentions with Shanaya are genuine. I love her for who she is, not for her family's wealth."

Mr. Kapoor's gaze softened slightly. "I've heard mixed things about you. Convince me of your sincerity."Aarav spoke with heart . "I've never wanted anything more than to build a future with Shanaya. I respect her and cherish her, not her father's money."

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