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As I got of the plane, I saw my aunt standing where she told me to meet her. The time difference meant that she had just gotten off of work. She was standing looking down to her phone.

I walked over to her and hugged her.
"Oh, look at you!" She squeezed the life out of me. "How was your flight, love?"

Love? She's never called me love. I guess that's what they say over here.

"It was great, thanks. How have you been? I've missed you." I said as we walked out.

When we got to her car she explained 'the plan'.

"So tonight, I'll let you cover from the jet lag, and you can sleep in tomorrow, and get used to everything. I was given strict instructions to give you an unforgettable experience so after tomorrow we will do a bit of sight seeing and what not. And of course camp starts next week. Sound good?" It seemed like she talked for hours.

I nodded.

The next day I slept in until 11:45am. I tried to catch up to the time schedule over here.

As my Aunt promised, we would get out of the house.


We went to some well known tourist attractions and some "secret" places she knew about.

----- 5 days later

Today is the first day of camp. Usually I'd be terrified but I knew that nobody knew each other. So everyone had to make 'friends'.

About 45min. into the camp, after going over expectations etc. we began working on drills.

I was practicing my rainbow kick, when I saw the director/coach point in my direction sending a tall boy my way.

At first glance I thought I had just looked at Brooklyn Beckham. Which was a ridiculous thought.

As he got closer to me I realized it was Brooklyn Beckham!

I started to freak the fuck out. Who wouldn't?! It's BROOKLYN FREAKING BECKHAM.

Being the soccer player I was, I obviously knew the Beckham's were.

Ok, Olivia. Play it cool girl, this is not the time to act weird.
I repeated this to myself until he walked over to me.

"Uh, Hi." I said hesitating.

"Hey! Your coach wanted me to come talk to you." He said.

I was surprised he didn't say anything about himself... Yet.

"Ok, about what?"
I said, trying not to sound shaky in my voice.

He smiled. "We were watching you practice your rainbow, and I thought I could give you a few tips." He did the cocky smirk thing as he offered his help.

"I obviously know who you are, and I appreciate the offer but I don't need your help." I fake smiled as I tottled with the ball a bit.

"Ok, if you say so." He walked away with slight hesitation.

Fuck, Olivia. Wrong kind of cool. I thought as I watched him walk off behind me.

I immediately regretted everything I just said.


After a full (exhausting) day of camp, I was packing up my things into a bag, when Brooklyn started jogging towards me.

"Olivia!" He shouted.

He knows my name?!

"Um, I just wanted to let you know that I would be sticking around a while. So if you need anything just let me know. Ok!" He informed me excitedly.

"Thanks, but like I already told you, I don't need your help." I snarled.

"You realize that I could really help you. I'm a Beckham after all." He smirked.

That really pissed me off. I mean he was cute and all, but being cocky was a major turn off.

I had no problem going off on him at this point.

"Ok, Brooklyn, I don't really give a shit that your a Beckham. I'm glad that you're proud and all, but if you're trying to piss me off, you're doing pretty damn well. I already told you that I don't need help, and if I did need help, I sure as hell wouldn't ask you!" I was not planning on saying any of that, in fact most of it was a lie, but too late now.

"Damn." he said, still smirking.

Why was he still smiling?!

"I like girls, who aren't pushovers. Girls like you. Whatever just happened was hot." He winked and walked the other direction.


As soon as I processed the fact that Brooklyn Beckham, kinda just said that I was hot, I didn't even know how to react.

I picked up my things and went home.

----- 1 week later

I've spent almost 10 days at soccer camp. Brooklyn has been my "mentor" each day, and all I've really done is spend my time getting to know him.

We've actually become pretty good friends, and he's even been granted the privilege to call me "Liv", lol.

I could tell that Brooklyn liked me, because no matter what I said he always had the adorable grin on his face.

I was walking up the bleachers to grab my bags, when Brooklyn walking up behind me.

"Hey, Liv. Wait up." He shouted.

I quickly turned around, and before I could say anything Brooklyn's lips crashed into mine.

My eyes sprung open wide.

It lasted no more than 15 seconds.

As he pulled away, his face was bright red.

"Uh, sorry." he began to run down the bleachers.

Once I processed what happened I was mentally freaking out.

"Wait, Brooklyn!" I shouted.

"Yeah?" He said turning around.

"It's okay." I giggled and looked down as I started blushing.


Ok! Thanks for reading the 2nd chapter, the 3rd chapter will be more exciting I promise. It will get better soon! Vote if you like.


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