Chapter thirteen

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It had been two weeks, two long angontizing weeks, today was luna's funeral, they had decided to bury her so they could always go to visit her whenever they wanted, it felt all a little real as the casket was lowered in the ground, the casket was too small, there was a baby inside that casket, there was a little girl that wasn't supposed to be their, she was supposed to be alive, Luna Wren Knight was supposed to be with marjorie and reece, in their arms.

Reece felt his bottom lip quiver as he cuddled marjorie into his chest, hearing her heart wracking sobs, he stroked her hair as he leaned down and rested his head on hers letting his own tears fall down but not letting himself to truly break, to let out the ugly sobs that had been held up within him for so long, Reece was so focused on making sure marjorie didn't drown in the grief that he neglected the fact that he was also drowning alongside her.

He could tell everyone was watching them but he only held her tighter kissing the top of her head as he whispered sweet little nothings into her ear, he knew soon he wouldn't be able to keep this 'act' up any longer, he was breaking under the pressure of not only be strong for her, for both of them, but under the pressure of missing their baby girl, Luna and not allowing himself to feel the heart break of losing her.

Still he keep his sole focus on her and how she felt wanting to help piece her back together, to help her back up, to help her not fall apart every single day, all he cared about was her and how she was feeling, he wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about her and only her, she was his life, she was his world, the love of his life.

And right now he didn't give a shit about what he was thinking or feeling, he needed to be there for her, he held her closer stroking her back "It's okay gorgeous, you're okay." He soothes, using one hand to wipe the tears from his eyes so he could comfort her and be there for her, he would always be there for her, he would be the one standing by her side, he would be the one holding her, always him.

He would allow himself to feel later, but right now he was comforting her, he only held her tighter stroking her back "You're going to be okay." He soothed kissing her head and even more sobs wracked their way through her body holding him closer, with him, she felt safe and secure, with him she felt as if she was going to be okay.

5 minutes later and her sobs quitened down and she pulled back allowing herself to look at where their baby girl lay, she knew she would visit her grave everyday, she looked at her one last time before turning back to reece and meekily whispering "Can we go home?" He hums holding his hand out to her and she immiedatelty took it, she couldn't bare to look at the grave as of right now, she fears she would break completely.

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